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Betty stole around to Uncle Win's side before he went away and thanked him again for the interest he had taken in Doris' desire. Yes, she was a pretty girl; and how much cheer there seemed around the Leverett fireside! Warren was a fine young fellow, too, older by two years than his own son. He missed a certain cordial living that would have cheered his own life.

At first inspection it looked like a stony mushroom sprouting from the rocks. Some distance above the base opened a rough entrance and a low parapet encircled the top. To scramble over the exposed rocks to the base of this especial tower appeared a hard climb, to say nothing of the difficulties of ascending. The feat looked beyond Win's accomplishment but Frances said nothing.

"Why not?" asked Dan, for he knew that he was the light of poor Aunt Win's eyes and the joy of her old heart. "Hurt and hinder me!" echoed Dan, who, with all his cleverness, could not understand the depths and heights of good old Aunt Winnie's love. "Aye, lad, hurt and hinder ye; for ye're on the way up, and I'll not be the one to hould ye back.

And those who knew did safely lead him through ye Towne. "Ye honoured Relicks my Sonne and I did place in ye Spanish Chest and convey by Lantern light to that safe Place beyond ye Walls. So shall they Reste till happier Times shall Dawne. "Strange that this Day should bring such Honour to Mine House." Win's eyes grew interested and excited as he studied this message from the past.

"How do you do?" responded Win desperately, and Miss Rolls, making the best of a bad dilemma, found it obligatory to recognize Miss Child. If she had not done so Lord Raygan would have thought her snobbish, though it was not entirely from snobbishness that she had wished to escape the girl of the Monarchic. Her heart was beating almost as hard as Win's.

"It takes womenkind to keep up sociability. Charles and you might as well have been a couple of old bachelors." Uncle Win gave his soft half-smile, which was really more of an indication than a smile. "Come to supper now," said Mrs. Leverett. Doris kept hold of Uncle Win's hand until she reached her place. He went around to the other side of the table. She decided she liked him very much.

The Secretary sent for a young man, who proved to be Mr. Max and told him to look after me. I was only fifteen, but Mr. Max took as much pains to give me a good time as though I'd been somebody really important." "That's like Max," said Connie briefly, her eyes showing pleasure at Win's tribute.

"The buttons will last indefinitely," said Colonel Lisle, regarding thoughtfully the one Max had just rescued. "Thanks to Win's clever brain, the Manor has acquired an unsuspected secret passage and a valuable antique; of especial value to me because of the name it bears.

You needn't be afraid you're goin' to waste your grand dress. Say, it's some swell street, ain't it?" Lily talked fast and slid an arm through Win's in the thin silk kimono cloak, encouraging her to mount the steps. But Win objected to being hustled.

Was Logan giving Lily enough money to make up for a sacrifice of all those commissions, or did Lily think that after to-night she Winifred Child would never come back to Peter Rolls's? As that question asked itself loud bells jangled in Win's head. She felt as if she were losing her senses. But no, she must not must not do that.