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"The tide will be as low as usual when it does ebb." "Of course," assented his mother. "I forgot. But how about this wind? You must have the pony, Win." "I will if it keeps up, but I imagine the gale will blow itself out by noon." Win's prophecy proved correct.

I managed to get down all right, but it took over an hour to climb the cliff. The kid is wild because he thinks he's half- killed me." "Oh, say, that's a shame," said Max. "I wish I'd known that you wanted to go. Pierre and I could have rigged a rope somehow and helped you get back." Win's face just then was pitiful. Max's eyes grew very gentle but he did not utter one word of sympathy.

Aldrich's stay did not exceed her limit of a week, but she left for London with Estelle's willing promise to come to her when the Thaynes returned to Boston and leaving behind her two girls with gladdened hearts. After her departure Win's interest was again concentrated on the coming of the Manor family and the search for the Spanish chest.

It fluttered away, to alight on the floor, and Win's heart beat as she picked it up. Her discharge already? What could she have done to be sent off at the end of a week she who had tried so hard? And how strange that, tired and disheartened as she was, she should actually fear discharge!

It was to be on the same side of the Atlantic that the Thaynes had come to England and a slight attack of bronchitis on Win's part had resulted in this additional trip. Jersey was reported to possess a mild climate as well as good schools where Roger and Frances might have new and probably interesting experiences.

And that was the end of them as far as Peter Rolls was concerned. He still had use, however, for Winifred Child, Sadie Kirk, Earl Usher, and two or three other "live" workers in Toyland. They compared notes joyously; but despite her sense of relief, Win's heart was heavy for those left out in the cold.

That very evening Pierre brought a note from Constance, expressing appreciative thanks for their fiery welcome, the source of which Max had guessed and which he had easily induced Captain Lefevre to acknowledge. The note ended with an invitation to tea on Monday and promised a solution of some kind to Win's theories concerning the Spanish chest.

Doris winked some tears out of her eyes. She thought her room at Uncle Win's was like a picture. The wall was whitewashed: people thought then it was much healthier for sleeping chambers. The floor was painted a rather palish yellow. There was only one window, but the door was opposite, and a door that opened into the room of Miss Recompense.

She was standing beside him, so she straightened up and took a step out, and holding his hand sang with a grace that went to each heart. But she hid herself behind Uncle Win's shoulder when the compliments began. Cary came around, and said "She need not be afraid; it was just beautiful!" After that the company began to disperse.

"Who, him?" The Texan was shaving slivers from a bull pine stick. "He's a friend of mine. Win's his name, an' barrin' a few little irregularities of habit, he ain't so bad."