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"Well, Joe, ef your boots are new, and you aren't pestered with wimmin and children, p'r'aps you'll go," said Tryan, with a nervous twitching, intended for a smile, about a mouth not remarkably mirthful. Tom lifted a pair of bushy eyebrows, and said shortly: "Got no saddle." "Wot's gone of your saddle?"

She MAY cut up a trifle rough, ez wimmin do, but she'll come round." Secretly the Old Man trusted to the exaltation of liquor and the power of courageous example to sustain him in such an emergency. As yet, Dick Bullen, the oracle and leader of Simpson's Bar, had not spoken. He now took his pipe from his lips. "Old Man, how's that yer Johnny gettin' on?

The Apaches been killin' wild turkey on the wrong side of their line. I seen their tracks and some feathers. They's some down timber along the north side of the creek over on the meadows. And a couple of wimmin was held up over by the Notch the other day. I ain't heard the partic'lars. Young Adams " "Where do you get it all, Bud?

In open day they lead free niggers, men, wimmin, an' little children, too, to be sold, who's free as my mommy and your daughter." Judge Custis thought painfully of the scant freedom his daughter now enjoyed.

"What, ain't they men, after all?" shouted Ben; "if they ain't men, they must be wimmin, and that's all the better; if one of 'urn wants a husbin' I'm the feller for her!" "Their past conduct don't prove that they are women!" cried the little man. "They are the two Americans who are known all over the island as bushranger hunters.

I am not much interested in young ladies, as it happens." "You lie," said Mrs. McGovern promptly, "there ain't nothin' in the whole world you are ez much interested in as young wimmin. I'm a merried woman, and I know the signs. If I had a deevorce I might be a leetle jealous o' that gal in there. She's the best lookin' gal I ever did see in all my time.

"Watches that don't keep perfect time," drawled Jim, "are scarcer than wimmin who tell their age on the square." "Better come over, Jim, and have a drink," suggested the barkeep. "You're sure one of the movin' spirits of Borealis." "No, I don't think I'll start the little feller off with the drinkin' example," replied the miller.

He's the kind o' doctor that uses his title to give him privileges with the wimmin. I know his sort." Rainey wondered why Lund had asked Carlsen for a lotion if he did not mean to use it, but he did not provoke further argument. Lund was going on. "He don't do the skipper enny good, thet's certain." "Captain Simms seems to believe in him," answered Rainey.

"An' look at it now!" exclaimed Silas Boyd, unexpectedly reinforced by the matrimonial phase of the question. "That thar man hev bodaciously argued an' contradicted two wimmin out'n this vale o' tears. An' everybody knows it takes a power o' contradiction to out-do a woman. He oughter be indicted for cold-blooded murder! That's what!"

If they please the eye, they ain't like to hit the ear-drums so bad. Wimmin is cur'us that aways." "Mebbe," agreed Rust, bowing to the butcher's superior knowledge. "But I guess it must 'a' cost a heap o' dollars. Say, Will must 'a' got it rich. I'd like to savvee wher'," he added, with a sigh, as they thoughtfully returned to the bar. But nobody paid any attention to the blacksmith's regrets.