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And tho that han ben in tho contrees and in the gret Canes houshold, knowen wel, that I seye sothe. And therfore I wille not spare, for hem that knowe not, ne beleve not, but that that thei seen, for to telle zou a partie of him and of his estate, that he holt, whan he gothe from contree to contree, and whan he makethe solempne festes. Qua de causa dicitur Grand Gan.

It is only to be expected as a matter of course that in Germany as in France, that literary Bohemia, certain "advanced minds" should prefer to give themselves out as Anarchists and Individualists, as Einzige; but it must not therefore be concluded that it is our duty to concern ourselves with writers such as Pudor, Bruno Wille, and others.

And for because that he multipliethe so the world with children, therfore God sendethe him so the fissches of dyverse kyndes, of alle that ben in the see, to taken at his wille, for him and alle his peple. And therfore alle the fissches of the see comen, to maken him homage, as the most noble and excellent kyng of the world, and that is best beloved with God, als thei seyn.

Ecclesiastical architecture in the Netherlands The image-breaking Description of Antwerp Cathedral Ceremony of the Ommegang Precursory disturbances Iconoclasts at Antwerp Incidents of the image breaking in various cities Events at Tournay Preaching of Wille Disturbance by a little boy Churches sacked at Tournay Disinterment of Duke Adolphus of Gueldres Iconoclasts defeated and massacred at Anchin Bartholomew's Day at Valenciennes General characteristics of the image-breaking Testimony of contemporaries as to the honesty of the rioters Consternation of the Duchess Projected flight to Mons Advice of Horn and other seigniors Accord of 25th August.

On the 28th of June, 1566, at eleven o'clock at night, there was an assemblage of six thousand people near Tournay, at the bridge of Ernonville, to hear a sermon from Ambrose Wille, a man who had studied theology in Geneva, at the feet of Calvin, and who now, with a special price upon his head, was preaching the doctrines he had learned.

Ecclesiastical architecture in the Netherlands The image-breaking Description of Antwerp Cathedral Ceremony of the Ommegang Precursory disturbances Iconoclasts at Antwerp Incidents of the image breaking in various cities Events at Tournay Preaching of Wille Disturbance by a little boy Churches sacked at Tournay Disinterment of Duke Adolphus of Gueldres Iconoclasts defeated and massacred at Anchin Bartholomew's Day at Valenciennes General characteristics of the image-breaking Testimony of contemporaries as to the honesty of the rioters Consternation of the Duchess Projected flight to Mons Advice of Horn and other seigniors Accord of 25th August.

The public health hospitals at Detroit, Cleveland, Louisville, Cairo, Evansville and St. Louis were thrown open for the care of the flood victims. Surgeons P. W. Wille, of the Marine Hospital at Cleveland, was instructed to go to Columbus to co-operate with the state board of health. Dr. J. O. Cobb, of the Chicago Marine Hospital, was ordered to Indianapolis.

I spent these dreadful days sitting huddled in my Karlsruhe fur coat from morning till night, and addled my brain with reading one after another of the volumes which Mme. Wille sent me in my seclusion. I read Jean Paul's Siebenkas, Frederick the Great's Tagebuch, Tauser, George Sand's novels and Walter Scott's, and finally Felicitas, a work from my sympathetic hostess's own pen.

Wille, foreseeing her husband's frame of mind, had come to an agreement, with the Wesendonck family by which they were to provide me with one hundred francs a month during my stay at Mariafeld.

The thirde parte do the pencionaries of the warres receiue, and suche other as vpon occasions are moustered to the warres: that vpon the regard of the stipende, thei maie haue the better good wille and courage, to hasarde their bodies in battaile. Their communaltie is deuided into thre sortes of people. Husbande men, Brieders of cattle, and men of occupacion.