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Nor is it possible within the limits of this chapter to attempt, upon a smaller scale, anything like the task which has been performed so interestingly by books like Miss Lowell's Tendencies in Modern American Poetry, Mr. Untermeyer's New Era in American Poetry, Miss Wilkinson's New Voices, and Mr. Lowes's Convention and Revolt.

Charmant garcon." "Do you know him still?" Philip felt a slight feeling of irritation as he asked this. "He treated me abominably. Men are always the same. You're heartless, all of you." "I don't know about that," said Philip, not without embarrassment. "Let us go home," said Miss Wilkinson. Philip could not get Miss Wilkinson's story out of his head.

So we parted, and I bought some Scotch cakes at Wilkinson's in King Street, and called my wife, and home, and there to supper, talk, and to bed. Supped upon these cakes, of which I have eat none since we lived at Westminster. This night our poor little dogg Fancy was in a strange fit, through age, of which she has had five or six. 3rd.

But," he added thoughtfully, "I sincerely wish some philanthropist would put me to the trouble of moving again." The two men laughed at Wilkinson's frank exposition, but his cousin frowned a little. "I wish father would do something for you," she said. "There are so many things he could do if he chose."

Then he had a momentary return of his hysteria and said: "I say, old boy, I should like to see a chart of our fortnight's cruise in Wilkinson's yacht." MacIan had no smile in answer, but his eager lips opened as if parched for the truth. "You mean to say," he began "Yes, I mean to say," said Turnbull, "and I mean to say something funnier still.

But she was all unconscious of the impression she was making. Although the affair was not to be over until twelve, the boys had not filled out the girls' programs for the last dances. So, in accordance with Mrs. Wilkinson's wishes, they started for home in the machine by half eleven.

The barrister, however, was too much a man of the world either to congratulate him or condole with him. "There are fewer firsts this year than there have been for the last nine years," said Gerard, thinking to soften the asperity of Wilkinson's position. "That may be because the examiners required more, or because the men had less to give," said Madden, forgetting all about Wilkinson.

You meant to make him drunk this evening and empty his wallet, and I guess you didn't find it hard." Wilkinson's face got red, but he saw he would gain nothing by denial. Besides, there was a matter he was anxious about. "It wasn't hard to empty his wallet, because he had only a few small bills." "Yes; I fixed that. How much did you win from him when he was drunk?"

Wilkinson's regular force, about six hundred men, was intended as a nucleus, around which the followers of Burr were to form. They were the only disciplined corps that could be expected. As Wilkinson was the American commander-in-chief, and stationed upon the borders of Mexico, he possessed the power, and was pledged to strike the blow whenever it should be deemed expedient.

In the morning to the Privy Seal to do some things of the last month, my Lord Privy Seal having been some time out of town. Then my wife came to me to Whitehall, and we went and walked a good while in St. James's Park to see the brave alterations, and so to Wilkinson's, the Cook's, to dinner, where we sent for Mrs.