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"In that case, I believe if you had heard Wilbraham on this matter of his call at Les Bergues that you would agree with me that his importance suffered there some trifling eclipse." "There may be other reasons," said Henry, "in this case, for the manner you speak of.... But I won't say any more now."

'What did Wilenski play? he asked confusedly, as they moved towards the staircase. 'Something of Grieg's Mr. Wilbraham is going to sing "Wie bist du, meine Koniginn" Brahms, you know. But you don't really care for music. 'What an astounding accusation! 'You don't really care for it. I've known that since we were at Leipzig. 'I have never pretended to appreciate music as you do.

Now, I ask you, what would one talk about to Kratzky all that time except some iniquitous intrigue? It's all Kratzky knows about. So, you see, when I began to suspect all this, I took to tracking Wilbraham, following him about. It's been, I can tell you, a most tiring job. Wilbraham is such a very tedious man. A most frightful bore. His very voice makes me sick.... But I followed him.

And I thought this curious; for though my father always maintained the reality of the relationship, there was one link wanting to complete the pedigree. He could not make sure that the Hon. Thomas Wilbraham Wentworth was the father of Jonathan Wentworth, the Bristol horse-dealer, from whom we are descended. "Where was I born?" Sir Charles interrupted, coming suddenly to his own case.

By the record of what Dr. Conwell has accomplished may be judged how busy are his days. In early youth he learned to use his time to the best advantage. Studying and working on the farm, working and studying at Wilbraham and Yale, told him how precious is each minute. Work he must when he wanted to study. Study he must when he needed to work.

Marcia was likely to have a great wolf hunt with Thompson, who knew no difference between a shotgun and a rifle, and would have legged it from a fox if he had met it alone. "Marcia Wilbraham, I'll pay you five dollars if you ever get out wolf hunting with Thompson. Why, the only thing he can do for diversion is to play solitaire!" "Oh, him yes," said Marcia carelessly and without grammar.

"Raffles!" said he, laconically, and I understood. "And then what?" I asked. "Let it alone, unopened, safe as a church, until Mrs. Wilbraham Ward-Smythe discovers her loss, which will be to-morrow afternoon, and then " "Well?" "Mr.

We will not discuss religion: not to-night. Time is short. How did you get into this rat-trap? And whom, precisely, are you tracking?" "Through a trappon in an archway off the Passage de Monnetier. And I am tracking Wilbraham, Sir John Levis, M. Kratzky, and a Protestant clergyman, who all preceded me through it. But I don't know in the least where they have got to.

James repeated in the secret hollows of his mind. It was not spacious; it was simply fantastic. They stood, those two Mrs. Prockter in her usual flowered silk, and James in his usual hard, rent-collecting clothes at the foot of the double staircase, which sprang with the light of elegance of wings from the floor of the entrance-hall of Wilbraham Hall.

"They turned out Wilbraham and built new cottages, and bridged the railway, and made other necessary alterations." There was a moment's silence. Mr. Pembroke took out his watch. "I wonder if I might have the trap? I mustn't miss my train, must I? It is good of you to have granted me an interview. It is all quite plain?" "Yes." "A case of half and half-division of profits."