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He crowed for all the world to hear because now, at last, he had become its citizen. Was there not then, from some one, disregarded and forgotten at that moment, a sigh, lighter than the air itself, half-ironic, half-wistful regret? Young Ernest Henry Wilberforce, who had only yesterday achieved his second birthday, watched, with a speculative eye, his nurse.

From the time I first settled in Wilberforce, my house had ever been open to travelers and strangers; but a conversation I happened to overhear, led me to take a course different from what I had at first intended.

He was happy; happier still when Angelina once more floated into his ken and, noticing Miss Wilberforce, raised her eyebrows mischievously and gave him something that looked like a real smile, for a change. She had another smile, however, for Mr.

Not young ladies like you, that have everything as you want; but even my Lizzie, I find as she wants her tea badly afternoons." "And so do we," said Chatty, "especially when we don't go out. Look here, this is just the same as the last we had. Mrs. Wilberforce had such a pretty pattern yesterday, a pattern that made a great deal of appearance, and yet went so quick in working.

Gladstone was so willing to deal generously more than ever before with the Irish Roman Catholics, his confidence in the Established Episcopal Church of Ireland was growing less. "I am sorry," he wrote to Bishop Wilberforce, "to express my apprehension that the Irish Church is not in a large sense efficient; the working results of the last ten years have disappointed me.

As Detroit was the chief gateway for them to Canada, most of these refugees settled in towns of Southern Ontario not far from that city. These were Dawn, Colchester, Elgin, Dresden, Windsor, Sandwich, Bush, Wilberforce, Hamilton, St. Catherines, Chatham, Riley, Anderton, London, Malden and Gonfield.

Erskine reminded them that Williams was yet to be brought up for sentence, described the scene he had witnessed, and Williams' penitence, and, as the book was now suppressed, asked permission to move for a nominal sentence. Mercy, he urged, was a part of the Christianity they were defending. Not one of the Society took his side, not even "philanthropic" Wilberforce and Erskine threw up his brief.

I had but just arrived in England, when Mr. Wilberforce made a new motion in the House of Commons on the subject of the, Slave-trade. In referring to the transactions of the last sessions, he found that twenty-eight days had been allotted to the hearing of witnesses against the abolition, and that eleven persons only had been examined in that time.

But, whatever might have been thought before hand, or whatever may have been the immediate cause of such neglect, it positively appears, that, "when the fleet was on the point of sailing, in the year 1787, no clergyman had been thought of," nor was it without a strong appeal to those in authority from one whose conduct in this instance is worthy of all praise, WILBERFORCE, aided by the interest of Bishop Porteus with Sir Joseph Banks, that the Rev.

The Sage cast a meditative eye upon the infant. Except to the eye of love, it looked like a skinned poached egg. "Unquestionably so," he replied. "Don't you think he looks more like his father every day?" For a brief instant the Oldest Member seemed to hesitate. "Assuredly!" he said. "Is your husband out on the links today?" "Not today. He had to see Wilberforce off on the train to Scotland."