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Their soaring imagination, less systematic than the Greek intellect, was wider in its sweep and more farseeing in its predictions.

The trail down the valley of the Anakturuk was fairly smooth and well defined; when they struck the Coleville a much wider stream the shore was very rugged, and the dogs could scarcely drag the sleds over some stretches of the route. The traders who had gone before them were certainly having a hard time. Our friends traveled very slowly for two days, walking most of the time.

The streets and sidewalks are much wider and less crowded than those in Boston; but a collision on a Boston sidewalk is rare, while a half-dozen rude ones in an hour is a daily expectation in Berlin. A Berlin pedestrian "to the manner born," in blind momentum and disregard of all obstacles, has no equal in our experience.

The streets of Peking are the widest in the world, I guess, and ours leads by the red walls of the Chinese city with the wonderful gates of which you see pictures. It is macadamized in the middle, but on each side of it run wider roads, which are used for the traffic. Thank your stars there are good horses in Peking; men do not pull all the heavy loads.

To them the great lesson was trust in God. Through them to us the same lesson is read. The principle is far wider than this one case. It is the one rule of life for us all. The two clauses of the text convey substantially the same idea. They are in inverted parallelism.

Already, in February, the planet described a wider curve, and fell straight into the Seine, which seemed to seethe on the horizon as at the contact of red-hot iron. However, the grander scenes, the vast fairy pictures of space only blazed on cloudy evenings.

Keeping close to the shore they caught shallow water and cut round into a wider opening. The cries behind veered and deadened, and suddenly Wilson in the prow raised his blade. Maren leaned behind him and looked into the shadows.

Then, after asking his way of the sociable landlord of the hotel, he proceeded to the police station, a single-storied stone building standing at the end of a side street. Here he made himself known to the inspector, and imparted information which made that personage open his eyes considerably wider than was his custom.

The longer, darker, and colder nights are better adapted to the apparition of ghosts, and to all manner of signs and portents; while they seem to present a wider field for the intervention of angels in behalf of orphans and outcasts.

Stackpole it's a popular delusion, and it is like to be, till you can get men to embrace wider and more liberal views of things." "What do you suppose it proceeds from?" said Mr. Carleton, as if the question had just occurred to him. "I suppose from false notions received from education, Sir." "Hardly," said Mr. Carleton; "it is too universal.