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"O Captain Jack! ye was the sowl of the troop, and it was but little we knowed of the danger, and ye fighting. Och! he was no maly-mouthed, that quarreled wid a widowed woman for the matter of a burn in the mate, or the want of a breakfast. Taste a drop, darling, and it may be, 'twill revive ye.

Maybe you paint too ha! ha! ha!" Hanna now put in her head, and asked "what is the fun?" but immediately added, "Kathleen, here's a message for you." "For me!" said Kathleen; "what is it?" "Here's Peety Dhu's daughter, an' she says she has something to say to you." "An' so Rosha Burke," said Mrs. Cavanagh, "has taken her to live wid them; I hope it'll turn out well for the poor thing."

But sure when it come where the river runs past th' ould church, the strong current that was racin' under it just gave a sort of lap round wid it, and washed it clane up on the flat stones at the gate goin' into the buryin'-ground, and left it lyin' there, same as if the lads had set it down off their shoulders.

There git along wid ye." "Don't be hard on them, Rooney," said Kenneth, laughing, "they seem to have done good service." "True for ye," replied Rooney, "it wouldn't have bin aisy to git the ladies down here widout 'em, the snow was so soft wi' the thaw that it nigh tore the snow-shoes off me feet, an' my poor legs is at laist three inches longer than whin I set out, if not four."

"Av we cud `brikfust' fust, Ally Babby, it would be plisinter," returned the hungry seaman; "but, I say, I dursn't go into the bath, 'cause what would they think of a man wid dark-brown arms, legs, an' face, an' a pink body? Sure, they'd take me for a spy or a madman, an' hand me over to the p'leece!"

"No, sah, neber said one word to dem about it; dey know nothing whatsoeber. De way me do wid your letter was dis. Me go outside town and wait for long time. At last saw black fellow coming along. Me say to him, 'Can you read? and he said as he could. I said 'I got a letter, I want to read him. I gib you a quarter to read him to me; so he said yes, and he read the letter.

"Did you remark that they're of different colors? that one of them is as black as the devil's, and the other a gray?" "I never observed that," replied Alice, who really never had. "Yes, and I could tell you more than that about him," proceeded Caterine; "they say he's connected wid what's not good.

It's full time that I should be sirred; and if my own relations won't call me Sir instead of Dinny, it's hardly to be expected that strangers will do it. I wish to goodness you had never stigmatized me wid so vulgar an epithet as Dinny. The proper word is Dionysius; and, in future, I'll expect to be called Misther Dionysius." "Sure, I or your mother needn't be sirrin' you, Dinny?"

It's sing in the Latin; but sing or fwhistle, in my opinion, he that goes wid an empty purse seldom sings or fwhistl'es to a pleasant tune. Melancholy music I'd call it, an' wouldn't, may be, be much asthray al'ther Hem. At all evints, may none of this present congregation, whin at their devotions, ever sing or fwhistle to the same time! More power to you ha, ha, ha!

"I uz bawn wid a talent fo' de ladies." For a signal the indoor singer need not have gone beyond that line, but the spirit that always grew merry as the peril grew, the spirit which had made Kincaid's Battery the fearfulest its enemies ever faced, insisted: "You fine it on de map o' de contrac' plan, I's boun' to be a ladies' man!"