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"And, John, dear, don't forget that sewing-machine oh, yes, I see, you've got it in the wagon go on wid ye, then! Well, Mr. O'Day, how is it? Purty small and cramped, ain't it? And there's a chair missin' that I took downstairs, which I'll put back. And there's a cotton cover belongs to the table. Won't suit, will it?" and a shade of disappointment crossed her face.

They were seen spakin' to a pliceman that was all they done an' four men came that night, four ruffians wid white masks, an' havin' secured the father, they dhragged the young girls out of bed at the dead hour, an' stripped them to the skin. Thin they cut off their hair close wid a knife, the way ye'd cut corn, an' scarified their bodies wid knives. Would ye wondher we're careful?"

'Are yez asleep? says he, when they awoke: 'why then, bud-an'-age! says he, 'isn't it a burnin' shame for able stout fellows like yez to be asleep at the hour o' midnight of all hours o' the night. Tare-an'-age! says he, 'get up wid yez, you dirty spalpeens! There's St.

I spect some night the debil will come and fly way wid her. I hope so anyhow." To which not very pious wish Milly replied, "I am fraid there is no such good luck. Nothin' don't s'prise me that Miss Georgiette does 'cause she's a chip off the old block. Her mother's poor niggers used to be cut up and slashed all the time; for she was a horse at the mill. De debil was in dat woman big as a sheep.

"Bridget, if YOU appreciate style," he said, "you will come in the automobile. I have one of the very latest models, and it is very safe. But perhaps you prefer a farm wagon." "Indade an' I don't!" was the ready response. "I'll go wid you now if only to show Sarah Malloy thot I have more style than her!

"Is it for your mother?" whispered Patsy in an awestruck tone. "Yes, yes, Patsy dear," said Shock, who was fast losing control of himself, the long pent-up grief breaking through all barriers of self-control. "She's gone from me, Patsy lad." "But," said the little boy, lifting up his beautiful face in wonder. "Sure, isn't she wid Jesus Himself and the blessed angels?"

"Ye ought to be out o' yer wits wid delight," asserted Mrs. Brophy angrily. "So I am," said Dan, with a ghastly attempt at cheerfulness. "Ah, go 'long out o' that!" cried Mary. "Ye have me moithered, sittin' there starin' the two eyes out o' yer head. Go out an' give the hens a bit to ate."

"No sor, he doesn't." "Ah, I thought not. With his religious notions, it would be difficult for him to join in an attempt to bribe me to stop the course of justice." "Well, sor, you're not far wrong, for Muster Westly had bin havin' a sort o' tussle wid his conscience on that very pint.

"Sally, I must see him; you know I must. But tell me how it happened? Was it at home he was taken?" "No; he was taken this mornin' in the market. I was wid him sellin' some chickens. What'll you and Sam Appleton do, Phelim?" "Uz! Why, what danger is there to either Sim or me, you darlin'?"

"How'd you get there?" "Dey volunteered me, sah." "Volunteered you, did they?" the President laughed. "Yassah dat dey did. Dey sho' volunteered me whether er no " "And how did it happen?" "Dey done hit so quick, sah, I scacely know how dey did do hit. I was in de war down in Virginia wid Marse John Vaughan an' er low-lifed Irishman on guard dar put me ter wuk er buryin' corpses.