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"He was a tall, wicked-looking fellow, who went by the name of Mackenzie, although I have since learned that his real name is Mackwell or Mackey." "Dr. Mackey! He has been here." "Here?" "Exactly, and he claims Jack as his son!" "The vile impostor!" cried the wounded officer wrathfully. "He is a villain to his very finger tips. It is to him that I owe my long term in the insane asylum.

From the back of a forlorn little donkey that was tethered behind the fountain a roll of carpet had been taken and spread out on the ground. Beside this stood the three tumblers. One of them was a thin, dark man, small and wicked-looking, dressed, like the drum-beater, in red and yellow. The second tumbler was a huge fellow more than six feet tall, with a shaggy mane of black hair.

Then came a pause; the arena was cleared, and with much solemnity two wicked-looking creatures came out and performed a sort of shadow dance, brandishing knives as they glided through the intricate figures. It was a fascinating but unearthly scene, and the setting completed the illusion.

He was a coarse, wicked-looking boy, who, it was plain, had not yet fully awakened to a realizing sense of the good fortune that awaited him. A resolute opposition was made by Wallingford, but all the evidence adduced to prove Leon Garcia's relationship to Mrs.

They made it a campaign, and prepared for it carefully, concocting stretching-rings and cutting-boards and fashioning rabbit-snares and overhauling wicked-looking iron traps, which were quite ugly enough even before they became stained and clotted and rusted with blood.

I could not get over my dread of the green creature, and I had crept under the table, so that if it came out and frightened Miss Laura, I could jump up and catch it. When tea was half over, she gave a little cry. I sprang up on her lap, and there, gliding over the table toward her, was the wicked-looking green thing. I stepped on the table, and had it by the middle before it could get to her.

And for two hours we sat and listened to a wicked-looking little woman who from the boards of a Bowery music-hall had worked her way up to the position of a star in musical comedy.

Blood there was blood mixed with grey hairs upon its heavy ebony knob, and blood again upon its wicked-looking spike. "This settles all question of the weapon," he said. "The owner of this " We cried out, speaking together, that the stick belonged to the murdered man; and just then a voice hailed us, and Constable Hosken came panting up, with two of Miss Belcher's woodmen at his heels. Mr.

It's the little foreign lady and the big man who played the harp and how earnestly they are talking." "You see, she knew him after all," said Ruth. "But what a wicked-looking man he is! And she was frightened when he spoke to her." "He looks villainous enough to be a brigand," returned her chum, laughing. "Yet, whoever heard of a fat brigand?

"The sand-sharks they killed when they'd got 'em close up to the gunwale by pounding them on the nose with a club a good many hard whacks it took, too; but the blue-dog had to be stabbed with a lance; and I should think it took considerable courage and skill to do it, with such a big, strong, wicked-looking fellow.