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And yo' know, mother, as well as I do and Coulson does too she's niver given any one a chance to woo her; living half her time here, and t' other half in t' shop, and niver speaking to no one by t' way. 'I wish thou wouldn't come here troubling me on a Sabbath day wi' thy vanity and thy worldly talk.

He folded the note, handed it to the servant, and resumed his conversation with Mrs. Wi. Half an hour later the same servant placed a second sealed envelope beside his plate. Recognizing the superscription, the ambassador impatiently shoved it aside, intending to disregard it. But irritated curiosity finally triumphed, and he opened it.

It's harder than one wha hasna done it can realize the travel and gie twa shows a day for any length of time. If it was staying always a week or mair in the ane city, it would be better. But in America, for the first time, I had to combine long travelling wi' constant singing.

Mary Kerry stared, her eyes growing wider and wider. "The boy answered, Dan. He set out wi' ye'r mackintosh full an hour and a half since." "What!" The truth leaped out at Kerry like an enemy out of ambush. "Who sent that message?" "Someone frae the Yard, to tell the boy to bring ye'r mackintosh alone at once. Dan! Dan "

I wish we may get the light keepit in neist, wi' this fearsome wind but there's a blink o' moonlight at times." Thus saying, old Edie, closely accompanied by the adept, led the way towards the ruins, but presently made a full halt in front of them. "Ye're a learned man, Mr.

Goodness, Father, how a rid'th! he's over wall already! Ron, Jack! ron then! A'll get to the river! No, a wain't! Goodness, Father! There's Mr. Cary cotched mun! A's down, a's down!" "Is he dead?" asked Rose, shuddering. "Iss, fegs, dead as nits! and Mr. Cary off his horse, standing overthwart mun! No, a bain't! A's up now. Suspose he was hit wi' the flat. Whatever is Mr. Cary tu?

"Weel, ye see, after being married, and as I had been used to an active life a' my days, I had nae skill in gaun about like a gentleman wi' my hands in my pockets, and I was anxious to tak' a farm. But Jeannie did not like the proposal, and my mother-in-law wadna hear tell o't; so, by her advice, I put out the money, and we lived upon the interest.

"It's a grand property, and Antony was a born fool to part wi' such a bird in t' hand for any number o' finer ones in t' bush. Does ta understand its value?" "I am sure I do." "And thou is proud o' being the daughter o' such land?" "I love every rood of it." "Then listen to me. Thy mother gave thee L5,000.

They're "conscientious objectors" that's what they are an my husband coom across them in Kendal toother day. He'd finished wi t' market, and he strolled into the room at the Town Hall, where the men were coomin' in yo know to sign on for the war. An' he got talkin' wi' these two lads, who were lookin' on as he was.

Now at this, Spike gaped and fell back a step. "Go wi' me wi' me?" he stammered. "You go wi' me to Hell's Kitchen to Mulligan's Dump you! Say, what kind o' song and dance are you giving me, anyway? Aw quit yer kiddin', sir!" "But I mean it." "On on d' level?" "On the level." "Holy Gee!" and Spike relapsed into wide-eyed, voiceless wonder. "Is it a go?" enquired Mr. Ravenslee.