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"We know very well that if anybody do go to heaven, they will. They've worked hard for it, and they deserve to have it, such as 'tis. I bain't such a fool as to pretend that we who stick to the Church have the same chance as they, because we know we have not. But I hate a feller who'll change his old ancient doctrines for the sake of getting to heaven.

With which entreaty, very heartily delivered, Susan hugged her mistress in her arms. 'My darling there's a many that may come to serve you and be glad to serve you and who'll serve you well and true, said Susan, 'but there can't be one who'll serve you so affectionate as me or love you half as dearly, that's my comfort' Good-bye, sweet Miss Floy!

"Why," she said, plumbing the depths of loss, "there'll be no one to get up early for!" "Ah, it's Miriam who'll feel that!" he said. "And even Daniel won't come any more. He's tired of Miriam's foolishness." "To tell you a secret, he's in love with some one else. But he has no luck. No wonder! If you could be married to him for ten years before you married him at all "

But, for your own safety are you bent on running the risk?" "I am, Guy, rather than spill any more blood unnecessarily. I have already shed too much, and my dreams begin to trouble me as I get older," was the grave response of the landlord. "And how, if he speaks out, and you have no chance either to stop his mouth or to run for it?" "Who'll believe him, think you? where's the proof?

He was lost in the news he brought. Oaths, threats, and execrations, were vented on all sides. Some cried that if they bore this tamely, another day would see them all in jail; some, that they should have rescued the other prisoners, and this would not have happened. One man cried in a loud voice, 'Who'll follow me to Newgate! and there was a loud shout and general rush towards the door.

If he hunts hard enough and long enough he'll find some plumber or locksmith or somebody who'll come." She rang for Ferdinand; together they instructed him, and he went away, promising to bring salvation in some shape. Which promise made the young man more cheerful and smoothed out the worried pucker between Sacharissa's straight brows.

'Eh, humbug! thought Lukashka. 'Haven't I got the horse and we'll see later on. I'm not a fool myself and we shall see who'll get the better of the other, he thought, feeling the necessity of being on his guard, and therefore arousing in himself unfriendly feelings towards Olenin. He told no one how he had got the horse. To some he said he had bought it, to others he replied evasively.

I'll get a special licence. The padre of my regiment is in Town, and he'll marry us. I can find a couple of witnesses who'll hold their tongues. We can get married in twenty-four hours. Will you?" "Yes," she said firmly. His surprise at her ready assent was drowned in the joy it gave him. The next morning at half-past nine Mr. Manley rang up Mr. Flexen at his office at Low Wycombe.

If they want to play their fool games they've got to do it on the property of folks who'll let them. They can't come on my land." "You mean your father's, don't you?" put in the unlucky Sam Redding. "Sam, you've got a head like a billiard ball," retorted the bully, turning on the other, "it'll be mine some day, won't it? Therefore it's as good as mine now."

"Here goes!" he said stoutly. "I'll stand beer! Bavarian beer, of course. Who'll go and fetch it?" Mons leaped quickly from the cart. "How many?" "Four." Karl Johan's eye ran calculating over the cart. "No; just bring five, will you? That'll be a half each," he said easily. "But make sure that it's real Bavarian beer they give you."