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I have sometimes seen a full house, a straight, three of a kind, or probably four big ones. "I raise you five," says Bill. Bang! a whiz bang explodes twenty yards away. "I raise you ten." Bang! a wee willie takes the top off the parapet. "There's your ten, and ten better." Crash! and several bits of shrapnel probably go through the board. "You're called. Gee, but that was a close one!

Max, it's a s-s-sure enough s-s-sea serpent, ain't it, now?" "Gee whiz! where is it, Toby?" cried Steve. "And none of us got a gun along, worse luck. Hey, show me the sea serpent, and p'raps my camera ain't so wet but what I might crack off a picture of the same; because nobody's ever going to believe you when you tell that yarn. Show me, Toby!" Toby was only too willing to comply.

In his exasperated mood against the queen, the crafty priest's ambiguous remark struck him with double keenness. Gardiner was a very skilful hunter; the very first arrow that he shot had hit. But Catharine, too, had heard it whiz.

"Why, George Babbitt, I won't have you cursing and swearing and blaspheming!" "I know, awful sorry but Gosh all fish-hooks, look how I burned my hand! Gee whiz, it hurts! It hurts like the mischief! Why, that damn radiator is hot as it's hot as it's hotter 'n the hinges of Hades! Look! You can see the mark!" So, as they drove up to St.

If the devil and some of his angels had come, he might, indeed, for a time, have made more converts and less excitement. "It's a delusion an' a snare," said old Colonel Barclay in a speech. "Who wants t' whiz through the air like a bullet? God never intended men to go slidin' over the earth that way. It ain't nat'ral ner it ain't common sense. Some say it would bring more folks into this country.

I had ridden so rapidly that only a few men had kept up the pace, and the remainder were strung out for some distance back. But taking those that were up, and asking the adjutant to tell the others to follow, I dashed into the field, and soon found that we were the targets for the enemy on the hill, who made the air vibrant with the whiz of bullets.

"You say you have three sisters?" he asked. "Yep," said Billy. "Well, I should say that load was worth about five tickets." "Gee whiz!" cried the boy; "that 'ud take us all!" He followed the gentleman back to the ticket-office, and eagerly watched the man behind the little window count out five tickets and put them in a pink envelope.

I had just got to the most thrilling part and was holding my breath from sheer excitement when whiz! sob! bang! and a shell went spinning over the huts. For a moment I thought I must be dreaming or that the book was bewitched. Next minute I was out of bed like a rabbit, and turning off the light, dashed outside just as the second went over.

He courted the whiz of the bullet, scoffed at the rigours of the march, and instinctively was a good shot with the rifle. He bore no grudge against the department at home; he had no grievance. The officers recognised in him a man of parts, a man of station far above the position which he had chosen in the army.

"Mr Thompson," cried the captain, who appeared to have screwed up his courage to the right pitch, and had now taken his position for a moment on one of the carronades; "you will lay the brig right " Bang, bang whiz, whiz bang whiz, came three shots from the enemy, cleaving the air between our masts.