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Josiah Dimick met him, and his answers to Josiah's questions were so vague and irrelevant that Captain Dimick was puzzled, and later expressed the opinion that "Whit's cookin' must be pretty bad; acted to me as if he had dyspepsy of the brain." Captain Cy stopped at Mr. Lumley's residence to leave an order for the delivery of the box. Then he drifted into Simmons's and accosted Alpheus Smalley.

Don't he look more contented than he has sence he got off the cars? I tell you, Bailey, that child fills a place in Whit's life that's been runnin' to seed and needed weedin'. Nothin' could fill it better unless 'twas a nice wife." "WIFE! Oh, DO be still! I believe you're woman-struck and at an age when it hadn't ought to be catchin' no more'n whoopin' cough." Mr.

Married, she would be out of mischief. For Whit's sake, for Milly's sake, for mine, all of which collectively meant for the sake of the pennant, this would be the solution of the problem. I decided to take Milly into my confidence, and finally on the strength of that I got to sleep.

Without you I can't do anything but kick over the applecart for Whit Monk; and that sort of revenge is mighty unsatisfactory. Without me well: what can you do? I know you can get that tin safe of Whit's open, when you feel like it, get the jewels and all; but what show do you stand to get away with them? That is, unless you've got somebody working in with you on board the ship. See here..."

"Whit's not in shape. He's not right. He's ill or something is wrong. I'm worried sick about him." "Why Mr. Connelly!" exclaimed Nan. She turned quickly toward me. I crowded on full canvas of gloom to my already long face. "I'm serious, Nan. The lad's off, somehow. He's in magnificent physical trim, but he can't keep his mind on the game. He has lost his head.

"Can I help you in any way?" "I reckon not." "Don't be too sure of that. I'm a pretty wise guy, if I do say it myself. I might be able to do as much for you as you're going to do for me." The sight of his face convinced me that I had taken a wrong tack. It also showed me how deep Whit's trouble really was. I bade him good night and went to my berth, where sleep did not soon visit me.

For some occult reason he scarcely spoke to me. Nan flirted worse than ever. It seemed to me she flaunted her conquest of Henderson in poor Whit's face. The Providence ball team came to town and promptly signed Henderson and announced him for Saturday's game. Cairns won the first of the series and Radbourne lost the second.

"Mill people, indeed!" exclaimed Jane Barker, when her lover told her, in no very guarded terms, the reason they could not have the house on which she had set her heart. "Mill people, indeed! I'd like to know if they're not every whit's good's an old shark of a lawyer like Hugh White was!

Cap'n Cy didn't go after him to fetch him home. No, sir ee! not a fetch. Sent him a letter plumb to Melbourne and, says he: 'You've made your bed; now lay in it. Don't you never dast to come back to me or your ma, he says. And Whit didn't, he wan't that kind." "Pretty nigh killed the old lady Whit's ma that did," mused Asaph. "She died a little spell afterwards.

Ah ken whit ah want to dae," another coquettish toss of the roses, "but ah'm no so sure jist whit's best aboot merryin', ye ken." "Yes," said Elizabeth faintly. "He's tarrible took wi' me, mind ye," she looked archly at her listener, "but ah'm no sae saft as to be took wi' men, ma' lass. Ah've seen lots o' them in ma' day."