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He and Jacques, however, exchanged a few more words in a low whisper, as they kept in advance of the party. "How do they get ammunition from Cap?" asked Toussaint. "Have they a party in the town? I thought the town negroes had been sent on board ship." "The suspected ones are.

"We must not do anything rashly. Don't let us say anything till we have thought it well over. Will you promise me to try and bear with your husband until we have decided what is best to be done?" "Very well," she answered; "but I will not stay here after I get well." Then she added, in a whisper: "Where is Rosalie now?" "You shall not see her any more," replied the baron.

He should tell her at once, and at once she would prepare herself for her future life. So she opened the door a little way, and called to him. "John," she said, "is that you?" She spoke almost in a whisper, but, nevertheless, he heard her very clearly, and at once turned towards her room. "Come in, John," she said, opening the door wider. "I wish to speak to you.

"But," he added in a whisper, "I don't suppose any artist would care to paint such a hard, rugged-looking fellow as Gwynne." Olive looked on the pretty red and white of the boyish dabbler in Art for Lyle had lately taken a fancy that way too and then at the countenance he maligned.

It was therefore agreed that six people should go back as far as the last village, and endeavour to find his body, or collect some information concerning the slaves. In the meantime the coffle was ordered to lie concealed in a cotton field near a large nitta tree, and nobody to speak except in a whisper.

"Yes, yes," said Jessica in a half whisper; "a man looked in at the window; a face that I have seen but I can't remember when." The governor went to the window and drew the curtains. There was nothing to see. He ordered Morris, who stood behind his chair, to have the ground searched and to bring in any straggler.

"I met, a moment ago, my old friend and boyhood's companion, Jim McGlasher, chief of the Bureau for the Dissemination of Useless Information, and," lowering his voice to a mysterious but audible whisper, "I shall see him again to-morrow."

You don't mind my thinking them, do you? I can't help thinking." She thought for a long time; then she got up, and came to him, and put her arm round his neck, and bowed her head and whispered. "Don't whisper. I hate it. Speak out. Say what you've got to say." "I can't say it." She said it very low. He bent forward, freeing himself from her mouth and clinging arm. "No, Maggie. Never.

"But if you knew all this," she began at length, hardly able to force her voice above a whisper, "how is it that when I wrote you at the time of my husband's disappearance you said you didn't understand his letter?" Parvis received this without perceptible discomfiture. "Why, I didn't understand it strictly speaking. And it wasn't the time to talk about it, if I had.

"You said he was dead," cried David in a fearful whisper, and crouching tight to Joel and gripping him with both arms. "O dear me!" "So he is; but he'll catch you if you say a single word. Now go to sleep, an' when I tell you to come with me to-morrow, you must start just as quick as scat." "I shall take a basket for the green flowers," said Davie, trying not to think of "Old Bandy Legs."