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"Well, Misther Gowdey," continued he, "whisky's whisky at any rate; and if we can't get the butther, it's no raison we should refuse the brid; so I'll thank ye for another small thrifle out of the kig," and the speaker held out his tin vessel to be replenished. Gode lifted the keg, and emptied more of its contents into their cups. "Mon Dieu! what is dis in my cops?" exclaimed he, after a draught.

Yes, upon the floor lay flannel shirts and jumpers and overalls. In a corner, where the Professor had left it, stood the demijohn of whisky. Uncle Jake lifted it. "Gosh," said he, "the whisky's gone, too!" "Thank Heaven!" muttered the Professor, wiping his forehead. "Why?" "Don't you understand? By the luck of things, they've taken their medicine!" "A quart apiece!" I gasped.

"Here's how!" observed the latter, and the two old turtlebacks drank the raw whisky down, near a half pint of it, as though it had been so much milk. Bennington fairly gasped with astonishment. "Don't you ever take any water?" he asked. They turned slowly. Old Mizzou looked him in the eye with glimmering reproach. "Not, if th' whisky's good, sonny," said he impressively.

"I can lecture on engineering, and would do for an extra sixpence. Whisky's going up, and I haven't paid my last mess bill." "You haven't, old son," said Arnold, coming in, "and you've jolly well got to. Here's a letter for you, Graham." Peter glanced at the envelope and tore it open. Pennell knocked his pipe out with feigned dejection. "The fellow makes me sick, padre," he said.

Onliest time a nigger sees co'n whisky's when he's totin' it fo' some one else." "I reckon a nigger's fool enough without corn whisky," said Hannibal. They mounted a flight of stairs and passed down a narrow hall. This brought them to the back of the building, and Eph pushed open the door on his right.

I... I prefer sherry." She lifted the sherry bottle tentatively for his consent. "Sure," he answered, with a nod. "Whisky's a man's drink. I never like to see women at it. Wine's more their stuff." She raised her glass to his, her eyes meltingly sympathetic. "Here's to finding you a good position " But she broke off at sight of the expression of surprised disgust on his face.

He sold small tools and hardware for a Winnipeg wholesale firm. "Say, you might call a bell-boy. That whisky's rank; I want a different drink." Charnock got up with an awkward movement, but Sadie did not want his help. "Drinks are served in the bar and the bar is shut," she said. "I'm stopping here; I hired this room, and as long as I pay it's mine. We're not in Manitoba, and I guess the law "

I feel as if I was just being introduced. Didn't anybody else help?" "Yes," said Fred, "a woman; but you've got a wife, too." Crayme fell back on his pillow and sighed. "If I could only think about her, Fred! But I can't; whisky's the only thing that comes into my mind." "Can't think about her!" exclaimed Fred; "why, are you acquainted with her yet, I wonder?

Haven't I come here to warn you? Man, the rye whisky's turned you crazy. I'm here to help, help, do you understand? Just four letters, 'help, a verb which means 'support, not 'destroy." Charlie's cold regard never wavered. "When will you clear out of my ranch?" Bill started. The brothers' eyes met in a long and desperate exchange of regard.

Bartlett," he said cheerily, "and try one of my friend's excellent cocktails." "I take mine straight," growled Bartlett gruffly, although he stepped inside the open door. "I don't want no Yankee mixtures in mine. Plain whisky's good enough for any man, if he is a man. I don't take no water, neither. I've got trouble enough."