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It was an astonishing thing to say, the worst thing possible. It betrayed an exact knowledge of his purpose in seeking this interview. His eyes blazed with a quick light. It seemed that he was answered before he spoke. "Not one second. Go away, do!" broke in Mrs. de la Vere, whisking Helen toward the elevator without further parley.

Saunders, coolly "I want to see how well you'll sit him just make him caper a little bit." He accordingly applied the switch lightly to the Brownie's heels, enough to annoy, without hurting him. The Brownie showed signs of uneasiness, quitted his quiet pace, and look to little starts and springs, and whisking motions, most unpleasing to his rider.

Would Racine find a place in the picture at all? Or, if he did, would more of him be visible than the last curl of his full-bottomed wig, whisking away into the outer darkness?

After whisking along in the car, "Shanks's pony" seemed a very slow mode of progress; their breakdown had happened in an out-of-the-way spot, and it was more than an hour before they reached a highroad. It was almost dark by that time, and matters seemed so desperate that Everard determined to hail the very first passing motorist who seemed to be able to help them.

But now with a whisking sound came running down the road a hare; it was nearly upon us before it perceived us; suddenly stopping short, however, it sprang into the bog on the right-hand side; after it amain bounded the dog of peace, followed by the man, but not until he had nodded to me a farewell salutation. In a few moments I lost sight of him amidst the snow-flakes.

Come, in due time, organist and bellows-boy, peeping down from the red curtains in the loft, fearlessly flapping dust from books up at that remote elevation, and whisking it from stops and pedals. Come sundry rooks, from various quarters of the sky, back to the great tower; who may be presumed to enjoy vibration, and to know that bell and organ are going to give it them.

The animal was lean, spavined, and tottering; and the author proposed to constitute it of the family of Fitfordogsmeataurious. It certainly did occur to him that there was no case on record of a pony with one clearly-defined and distinct organ of vision, winking and whisking at the same moment.

She strode defiantly through the main hall, ignoring the curious gaze of the loungers, whisking the skirt of her habit with disdainful abandon as she passed on to the lift. A few moments later she burst in upon her sister, a very angry young person indeed. The Odell-Carneys were down the hall discussing her strange defection; it was with no little relief that they saw her enter the room.

Last' a great gape swallowed up the 'last edition, and he stood blinking at us like a very chilly young owl. 'I'll buy 'em all if you'll go home, my little chap; it's high time you were abed, said John, whisking the damp papers into one pocket, and his purse out of another, as he spoke. 'All of 'em? why there's six! croaked the boy, for he was as hoarse as a raven.

It isn't every woman would have done it," said Kelly the Postman. "Aw, we've mighty boys of women deese days we have dough," snuffled the constable, and then they all laughed together. Pete watched their wheedling, fawning, and whisking of the tail, and then he said, "Chut!