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The three pack horses walked in file between, heads low, tails whisking; and Ben, with Fenris at his horse's hoofs, brought up the rear. Almost at once the spruce forest dropped over them, the silence and the gloom that Ben had known of old. This was not like gliding in a boat down-river. The narrow, winding trail offered a chance for the most intimate study of the wilderness.

It'll be a mighty difference to expense havin' other two mouths to feed an' backs to clothe." "An' what I'm to make of two fine gentry children, as Hetty's are sure to be, round all the time, I don't know," said Miss Hepsy, whisking off a griddle cake with unnecessary vigour. "I declare Hetty might have had more sense than think we could do with 'em. I'm rare upset about it, I can tell ye."

More yet showed themselves children dragging puppies after them, an old man with a large rusty sword, a couple of lads each with a pike these appeared, like figures in a pantomime play, whisking into sight from between the houses, and all disappearing again immediately.

When she awoke it was broad day and bright sun, and she rose up to her feet and looked about, and saw the horse standing close by, and sharing the shade with her, whisking his tail about lazily.

But now with a whisking sound came running down the road a hare; it was nearly upon us before it perceived us; suddenly stopping short, however, it sprang into the bog on the right-hand side; after it amain bounded the dog of peace, followed by the man, but not until he had nodded to me a farewell salutation. In a few moments I lost sight of him amidst the snow-flakes.

JULIE: Leave the towel when you go. LOIS: This towel? You haven't even a kimono. You know a white form whisking down the stairs and Haven't you any pride or self-respect? JULIE: Lots of both. I think that proves it. I looked very well. I really am rather cute in my natural state. LOIS: Well, you I guess I ought to have been a pagan or a native or something. LOIS: You're a

There is a mixture of the awful and the comic in the look of these huge animals, as they bear their great bulk forward, with an up-and-down motion of the unwieldy head and shoulders, their tail cocked up like the queue of Pantaloon in a pantomime, the end whisking about in a fierce yet whimsical style, and their eyes glaring venomously with an expression of fright and fury.

I believe it was nothing to Mr. We shall meet again la haut." And then with a whir of their deliciously scented wings, away they fly for good, whisking over the trees of Brobdingnag Square, and up into the sky, as the policeman touches his hat. It is up there that they invent the legends for the crackers, and the wonderful riddles and remarks on the bonbons. No mortal, I am sure, could write them.

The group thus revealed, I looked upon but for one instant; in the next I shouted, in absolute terror "In God's name! what are you doing?" Our lodger shuffled away abruptly, as if disconcerted; but the ill-favoured cat, whisking round, stood like a demon sentinel upon the corpse, growling and hissing, with arched back and glaring eyes.

Squalid, ruffianlike wolves sneaked through the hollows and sandy ravines. Several times I passed through villages of prairie dogs, who sat, each at the mouth of his burrow, holding his paws before him in a supplicating attitude, and yelping away most vehemently, energetically whisking his little tail with every squeaking cry he uttered.