United States or Republic of the Congo ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Alexina bent her head to catch breath; the sleet whipped and stung her face, the wind seized her loose cape, her light skirts, bellying them out behind her. But Harriet, ahead, tall, poised, went swiftly on, and, in the light from the street gas-post as they waited for a car, her face showed no consciousness of storm or of aught about her.

"Out of a man's way," cried Pete, with a roar, and he made a rush for the stairs. Nancy blocked him at the foot of them with both hands on his shoulders. "You'll be quiet, then," she whispered. "You were always a rasonable man, Pete, and she's wonderful wake promise you'll be quiet." "TO be like a mouse," said Pete, and he whipped off his long sea-boots and crept on tiptoe into the room.

Or, take some wine out of the casks add to each forty gallons which it contains the whites of ten eggs, whipped to foam with the wine taken out pour in the mixture again stir up well, and bung up tight. After a week the wine will generally be clear, and should then be drawn off. These should be distilled, and will make a very strong, fine flavored brandy.

"O Eddie!" she cried. The man looked up, and was at once electrified into action. He sprang to his feet and whipped off his sombrero. A broad smile illumined his freckled face. "Yes, miss," he answered. "What can I do for you?" "Saddle a pony for me, Eddie," she explained. "I want to take a little ride." "Sure!" he assured her cheerily.

Regiment after regiment paraded along the stream, discharged its muskets, filling the forests with crashing echoes and frightening our cattle into flight again; but they were firing only to clean out their pieces, for the last of our enemies had pulled foot before sunset, and the last howling Indian dog had whipped his tail between his legs and trotted after them.

It had had a surprising effect on him, coming as it did upon a state of mind intensely stirred to its depths by his sorrow. Crossness, as I have said, had been the natural psychological result of his emotions; but his emotions were none the less real. The froth of whipped cream is real cream, after all. Now Laurie had seen perfectly well the extreme unconvincingness of Mrs.

For a time, even the Indian feared the issue of that battle in the dark and the abnormal strength of the dwarf's long arms; but the craft, if not the whole vigor of his own youth remained with him, and at a chance opportunity, he whipped off his blanket and smothered his opponent's face therein.

The instant this man stepped through the door the third mate jumped up and closed it. It travelled in grooves, and he whipped it to with a temper which caused the whole structure to echo again to the blow.

"You crow loudly, young cockerel," retorted the pirate captain scornfully, "but if your men are wise they will leave their guns and go below, for I swear to you that if they fire another shot I will sink you!" "Sink us, then, and be hanged to you!" I yelled back in reply. Then in my exasperation I whipped a pistol out of my belt, and levelling it at him, pulled the trigger.

She knew college songs that Rodney and Alvah knew, she dimpled and coquetted with the pretty confidence of a kitten. She stood up, dainty and sweet in her pink gown, and played her violin, with the gaslight shining down into her brown eyes, and her lace sleeve slipping back and forth over her white arm as the bow whipped to and fro.