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"Understand me, I'm not whining, and I'm willing to take my medicine. I couldn't talk or think very straight this afternoon, but you were wrong." "Yes, I know now, I was wrong. It was most unlady-like, wasn't it? But you see, I am only a little savage." "I don't mean that; I mean you were wrong when you said I had played with you. In the sight of God, I swear you were mistaken.

Some of the keys keep up a mournful whining and groaning, entirely outside of the tune. Cora Belle says they play themselves. After several "pieces" had been endured, "Pa" said, "Play my piece, Cory Belle"; so we had "Bingen on the Rhine" played and sung from A to izzard. Dear old "Pa," his pain-twisted old face just beamed with pride.

As she sat down by me and took Dido's head into her lap, to the great discomfort of a rabble of jealous dogs who sat round watching her and whining, it struck me that her eyes were the very colour of the dog's and as faithful. "You look cool," I said. "And you; you have no idea how pink print becomes you. But first we will have tea. Joan has a sick headache and will have none of me to-day.

Crawford had written her, as he promised, after his return home. He wrote that he and his father were reconciled and that he had resumed his studies. The letter was brave and cheerful, there was not a hint of whining or complaint in it. Mary was proud of him, proud of his courage and self-restraint.

It was fully a week before they were all normal again, and meantime, with whining children and cross adults, the house was not a pleasant place to live in. Jurgis lost his temper very little, however, all things considered. It was because of Ona; the least glance at her was always enough to make him control himself.

She had a singularly sweet smile, and a musical voice, which though sad, had no trace of whining. If it had not been for her smile and her voice, I think madam would have been a terror to me. I noticed to-day, for the first time, a curious fragrance, which seemed to come from her old brocades and silks.

And truly it seemed to Israel that against the Basha's story of his ingratitude he could tell a different tale. This pitiful slave of rage and fear, this thing of rags and patches, this whining, maudlin, shrieking, bleating, barking-creature that hurled reproaches at him, was the master in whose service he had spent his best brain and best blood.

He'd have to go out and sleep in the scrub, where the mosquitoes and bulldog ants would bite him out of his sleep. I hate the man who's always whining about his mother through his nose, because, as a rule, he never cared a rap for his old mother, nor for anyone else, except his own paltry, selfish little self. "I'd have intellectual and elevating conversation for those that "

Smivvle's ready arm. "The Past, sir," said he, supporting himself by that trusty arm, "the Past is done with, and the F-Future I'll face alone, as I have done all along, eh, Dig?" "But surely " "Ay, surely, sir, I'm no object of charity whining for alms, no, by Gad! I I'm Dig, push the brandy!" "If you would but listen " Barnabas began again. "Not not a word.

I guess Kiddy had been whining to him about how I’d worried him. That’s why the chump had it in for me.” “Chump, Wes! Such a peach of a good looker?” “Oh, shut up. I don’t care if he is good looking; he’s fresher than paint.” “He would think that was a queer criticism for you to make.” Westby stalked on in angry silence. He was more wounded than he could let Carroll know.