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He was well aware what the Grammar School boys in Gridley did to one of their own number who was voted a sneak. "I I didn't mean any harm," muttered Hen, almost whimpering. "See here," demanded Dick, another idea coming to him, "how much did Fred Ripley pay you to help work against us." "He didn't pay me nothing," young Dutcher protested ungrammatically. "How much did he agree to pay you, then?

Let me once get you away, be assured of your safety, and I shall open the door to the pleasure of these gentlemen. Father Carnesecchi the count oh, I have no fear of Palamone's posthumous acts, I can assure you." I spoke cheerfully, confidently, but Virginia was put into great agitation. She began to flit about the room like a moth, wringing her hands and whimpering to herself.

I understand he was sent on purpose; I believe, in order to reach the interior of the prison, he had set his hand to nameless barbarities; such was the price paid for my worthless, whimpering little life! He gave me his hand; it was wet, and mine was reddened; he led me unresisting.

Suppose, for argument, my child hadn't had a legitimate father. All the more reason a hand should have been held out to us. But I'm not asking anything. A night's lodging, madam, for which I can pay. Here it is in advance. I'm not going to leave!" The child was whimpering now lustily and wanting to lift its little body from the long confinement of wrappings.

Uniacke and his guest sat at supper that night, and all the windows of the Vicarage rattled in the storm. The great guns of the wind roared in the sky. The great guns of the surf roared on the island beaches. And the two men were very silent at first. Sir Graham ate little. He had no appetite, for he seemed to hear continually in the noises of the elements the shrill whimpering of a dog.

Even the puling creature writhed under the lash of Mary's tones. She sprang up, slinking back a step. "I can't take it!" she cried, whimpering. But she did not drop the money. "Take the chance while you have it," Mary counseled, still with the contempt that pierced even the hardened girl's sense of selfishness. She pointed toward the door. "Go! before I change my mind."

Trailer and Big Foot were young still, and about all they could do was to run and howl. If, however, they got off right on a bear trail, and no other trail crossed it they would stick, and in fact lead the pack till' the bear got away. Once Big Foot came whimpering into camp with porcupine quills in his nose. Of all the whipped and funny pups! Bobby was the dog I liked best.

The old red-flannel cape and hood disclosed a plump infant about ten months of age, whimpering and cruelly rubbing his eyes with his fists, and now bawling outright with rage; as he chanced to meet the gaze of his rescuer he paused to laugh in a one-sided way, displaying two pearly teeth and a very beguiling red tongue, but again stiffening himself he yelled as behooves a self-respecting baby so obviously misplaced.

Therefore, he stood as far off as he could, while the dwarf was thus engaged; whimpering out but feeble applause; and when Quilp left off and sat down again from pure exhaustion, approached with more obsequiousness than ever. 'Excellent indeed! cried Brass. 'He he! Oh, very good Sir. You know, said Sampson, looking round as if in appeal to the bruised animal, 'he's quite a remarkable man quite!

I was vexed and insulted at finding myself, as I conceived, neglected, and I began to whimper, preparatory to a hearty bout of roaring; when to my surprise, I saw a solemn, but very pretty face looking at me from the side of the bed. It was that of a young lady who was kneeling, with her hands under the coverlet. I looked at her with a kind of pleased wonder, and ceased whimpering.