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He can't hear you anyhow. He's dying. He's been dying weeks." "Why didn't you let me know of this?" Deborah asked gently. "Because I knew what you'd want to do take him off to a hospital! And I ain't going to have it! I promised him he could die at home!" "I'm sorry," Deborah answered. There was a moment's silence, and the baby whimpered in its sleep.

The hag cowered, however, before the outstretched index finger of Sybilla de Thouars. "Ah, fair lady," she whimpered, "be not angry and tell not my lord, I beseech you. I did but jest." "Hence!" the finger was still outstretched, and, in obedience to the threatening gesture, the hag shrank away.

"He was the best of husbands," whimpered the widow, on whose placid mind the shortcomings of the dissipated youth seemed to have left no impression; "but he was hardly treated in this world, and so he was taken to a better." Before Mrs.

'Can't you do something for me? she whimpered. 'It is impossible to move Mr. Beamish, Chloe said. Out of a pause, composed of sobs and sighs, the duchess let loose in a broken voice: 'Then I 'm sure I think I think I'd rather have met have met his skeleton! Her sincerity was equal to wit. Beau Beamish shouted.

Do you want me to kick you again?" Bob whimpered, but he worked faster, scooping the water clumsily out and throwing it over, the side, and, after he had done, and been sitting crouched at the bottom, Bigley seemed to attack him again unkindly, as if he were going to take advantage of his helplessness, and serve him out for many an old piece of tyranny.

"We can give you gold," said they, "or precious stones, or the root of long living, or the waters of happiness, or the sap of youth, or the seed of plenty, or the blossom of beauty. Choose any of these, and we can give it you." The old man again caught hold of his son's feet. "Don't choose these," he whimpered, "choose me!"

Horace Huntington, the president of your institution, and put him wise to this transaction of yours, and that is the second thing I shall do immediately you have decided not to part with that package." "The second thing?" Rand whimpered. "What will you do first?" "Communicate with the first policeman we meet when we leave here," said Holmes. "But take your time, Mr. Rand take your time.

"Tanné," he whimpered. "Where is he, Tanné?" "Monsieur Tanrade will come," returned the curé, "if you go to sleep like a brave little man." "Tanné," repeated the child and closed his eyes obediently. A cock crowed in a distant yard, awakening a sleek cat who emerged from beneath the bed, yawned, stretched her claws, and walked out of the narrow doorway into the misty lane.

Belshazzar whimpered and licked his hands, and at last the man arose and went with the dog to the wagon. As they came through Onabasha, Betsy turned at the hospital corner, but the Harvester pulled her around and drove toward the country. Not until they crossed the railroad did he lift his head and then he drew a deep breath as if starved for pure air and spoke. "Not to-day Betsy!

What wonder that Sally was desperate for fresh air, for escape, and ran out of doors as soon as she could wriggle free! What wonder that she walked quickly about the dark streets! Tears came to her eyes, and with clenched fists she secretly whimpered in this new angry despair. Of what avail?