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Not quite inexcusably, perhaps, might he conceive the reason to be some mere whim or humour of his Maker, though there might be more gratitude in conjecturing that the triple process was adopted for the purpose of assisting biological enquirers like himself in their special researches.

Even their parting kiss must have given her a twinge of direst agony; for the one thing he would never believe of Joan was that she had sacrificed him to some feminine whim, made him the sport of a woman's caprice. She had been driven from him! By whom?

"The poor man will think ten times before he will marry, while the rich man can satisfy his every whim. Yes, my dear; there was a respectable man in our village, and he " "Have you spoken to him of my case?" asked the old woman. But Maslova was silent. She lay down on her bunk, gazing with her squinting eyes into the corner, and remained in that position till evening. Her soul was in torment.

The odd whim gave the parents no little amusement and they too at times humored it. The very absurdity of the fancy gave it its comicality. You can understand how deeply each parent loved his child.

But this winter he made such difficulty about going in that at last Payne decreed that he should have his own way and stay out. "It will do him no harm, and may cool his peppery blood some!" had been the keeper's decision. So the door was left open, and Last Bull entered or refrained, according to his whim.

The whim of the individual cannot well be substituted for the settled purpose of the community a purpose ripened by generations of experience, and adjusted to what is possible under existing conditions. On the other hand, it distinguishes between lower and higher ethical codes, or codes lower or higher in certain of their aspects.

The life in her literature was still, to a large extent, the romantic liberalism of Rousseau, the free and humane truisms that had refreshed the other nations, the return to Nature and to natural rights. But that which in Rousseau was a creed, became in Hazlitt a taste and in Lamb little more than a whim.

"They are two vast communities," I told him, "which the founder, for some inexplicable whim, united in one domain, of an extent which astonishes the imagination." The Community of Benedictine Nuns is regarded as the first, because of the abbotorial dignity it possesses. The Community of Benedictine Monks is only second, a fact which surprises greatly strangers and visitors.

Her smallest whim, even to the mere passing of a shadow of a wish, was fulfilled, and yet A few months ago her mocking words had swung to the silken curtains of her chamber, and since then she had been alone.

"Horses are expensive, and I am not rich. I walked. I was tired. I saw you in your garden, and you are very beautiful." Rosa's capricious vanity was touched. The whim seized her to save this exuberant young bridegroom from the fate before him. "Do you see that peddler old Rosenthal close to the bar? He brought in a large and rich pack tonight. It lies in the next room. Do you go there at once.