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He whipped out his .45, there was a sliver of flame, a sharp crack at which the three steeds of the trio of youthful cowboys jumped slightly, and there writhed on the trail a venomous rattle-snake, its head now a shapeless mass where the bullet from Bud's gun had almost obliterated it. "Whew!

In a half hour Astro had taken the whole section down and had pushed the crystal outward. The air of the desert rushed into the control room in a hot blast. "Whew!" cried Roger. "It must be at least a hundred and twenty-five degrees out there!" "Come on. Let's take a look," said Tom. "And keep your fingers crossed!" "Why?" asked Roger.

She went to the nurse, who now had her arms about the child. "I'm so sorry. Remember I want you back." There were tears in Ethel's eyes as she left the nursery. "Whew!" She went into her own small room. "I wonder if I'll ever feel like that about a child?" She stared a moment and added, "That was real enough, poor thing." She drew a resolute breath.

Malignant endocarditis may prove fatal in a few days, or may continue in a slow subacute process for weeks or even months. It is not easy to decide just whew all acute endocarditis has entirely subsided and a chronic, slow-going inflammation is substituted.

"Do you think that she stole these letters these papers?" he asked. "Do you think she knew where they were?" "While she was in the room, Inspector Chippenfield came rushing downstairs for a glass of water. He said she had fainted." "Whew!" Rolfe gave a low prolonged whistle.

In a few minutes he saw the steaming heads of a pair of oxen coming up the hill. Slowly the cart came in sight: it was loaded with sugar-buckets; and there, walking by its side, was yes! it was the very Frenchman himself. Elder Kinney was too much astonished even to say "Whew!" "This begins to look like the Lord's own business," was the first impulsive thought of his devout heart.

Whew! there is a dead hen under here; sling that out the first thing." They went back through the house again, and Geary pointed out the tiny garden to Vandover. "Straighten that up a bit, pick up those old newspapers and the tin cans. Make it look neat. Now you understand just what I want?

You will burn yourself up in it. Whew! whew! away with it! But Waldemar Daa could not let it go. 'The fiery steeds in the stable, where were they? The old gold and silver plate in cupboard and chest, where was that? The cattle, the land, the castle itself? Yes, they could all be melted down in the crucible, but yet no gold would come. 'Barn and larder got emptier and emptier.

"I don't know's I know what you mean by a plan," he explained. "I ain't been here very long. I just My soul and body!" He snatched the kettle from the fire, took off the cover, sniffed anxiously, and then added, with a sigh of relief, "Whew! I declare I thought I smelt it burnin'. Saved it just in time. Whew!" The lieutenant looked at Jed and then at the workman. The latter shook his head.

Well, that island was the hottest of 'em all. Whew! Don't talk! And, more'n that, the weather was the kind that makes you feel it's a barrel of work to live. First day we fished and slept. Next day we fished less and slept more. Third day 'twas too everlasting hot even to sleep, so we set round in the shade and fought flies and jawed each other. Main trouble was who was goin' to git the meals.