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"We've captured fifty pieces of artillery and ten thousand prisoners!" "Then what'ell's the use er hurryin' us on er empty stomach but we're a-comin', honey we're a-comin'!" The colonel of a regiment snatched his hat off and was getting his men ready for the charge. He waved his hand toward Ned: "Make that damn-fool get out of the way. I'm going to charge.

A grey soldier stopped them: "Here! Here! What'ell's the matter with you? Them's your own guns. What are ye tryin' to get away from 'em for?" Men were falling now at every step. Ned had advanced a hundred yards further when the boy on his right suddenly threw his hands over his head and his leg full to the ground, cut off by a cannon ball, Ned leaped to his side and caught him in his arms.

With a quick breath she unconsciously drew back and he glared at her angrily. "Say, what'ell's the matter with you, anyhow? Have you gone crazy?" "You won't tell me where you bought them?" she asked slowly. He faced her squarely and spoke with deliberate contempt: "It's none of your business!" She held his gaze with steady determination.

In his eagerness to strike the ground on the run, his foot slipped and he fell. The guard heard and ran back, blinking his stupid eyes through the rain. He found a young sport who had lost his way in the storm. "I shay, partner," the fallen drunk blubbered. "What'ell's the matter here? Ain't this Joe Hall's place?" "Not by a dam sight."

When you get old and toothless an' deecrepit like some people, not to mention no names of course, why then she's a cat with another tail entirely." "What'ell's goin' on in here?" It was Red Kane speaking. Red was Tom Kane's brother. Racey and Swing moved apart to let him through. Red Kane entered, stared at the spectacle of Luke Tweezy and his bobbing lantern, stared and stared again.