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How they passed themselves off for gentlemen, we are at a loss to comprehend. During the day, the Messrs. Dusenberry and Dunn may be seen at times watching about the wharves, and again in low grog-shops then pimping about the "Dutch beer-shops and corner-shops" picking up, here and there, a hopeful-looking nigger, whom they drag off to limbo, or extort a bribe to let him go.

Two streets, formed by two roads, ended in a third street along the sandy, flattish river shore, and there stood four or five larger dwellings, like their humbler neighbors, built of wood, but with bolder, greater chimneys, rising into the air as if in rivalry of four large ships and brigs that lay at anchor or beside the two wharves, and threw their masts and spars into the sailing clouds, making the low forest that closed river and village in, stoop to its humility.

Sir George Templemore had returned from his southern journey, and made one of the party, by express arrangement. "Now, Eve," said Grace Van Cortlandt, as the boat glided along the wharves, "if it were any person but you, I should feel confident of having something to show that would extort admiration."

Vast projects were discussed with the light touch public works, the purchase of a theatre for the town hall, the sale by auction of city or state lands, the extension of wharves, the granting of franchises, and many other affairs, involving, apparently, millions of money. All these things were spoken of as from the inside. Keith, sipping his drinks quietly, sat apart and listened.

The waves of the Adriatic once brought the commerce of the East to its wharves; but the deposits of the Po and the tides have, in process of time, made it an inland town, and the sea is four miles away. In the time of Augustus, Ravenna was a favorite Roman port and harbor for fleets of war and merchandise.

But whatever the economic merits or demerits of the tariff, I take pleasure in bearing testimony to the civility with which I found it enforced. My companion and I express our baggage to our hotel and jump on the platform of a horse-car on West-street, skirting the wharves.

A familiar figure on the wharves of Wilmington was the gigantic one of Captain Paul Cuffee, looking like a character in a masquerade.

If you go to Forty-ninth Street and the East River you will see all that remains of it. Although the houses are built thick about it, there is still an air of seclusion. Everywhere else along the shore are piers and bath-houses and wharves and ships and shipping. So at this Turtle Bay, far from the town, the royal troops had a storehouse for their arms.

But upon reflection there was another serious and disquieting aspect; how should he make his way and by what objects could he mark out his course? Would he not run upon the boats of the marine patrol and be hailed by the sentinels on the Boyne, Somerset, and other vessels of the fleet? He must run the chances and do the best he could. The sentinels had been set along the wharves.

They had vessels to bring the costly wares of the East to their wharves; they had warships to protect their rich cargoes from the pirates of the Mediterranean; they carried on wars. At the time when Marco Polo returned from Cathay they were at war with Gen'o-a. The two cities were fighting for the trade of the world. In a great naval battle the Venetians were completely defeated.