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A short experience had taught Jim to avoid his victim in daylight, for in Bob's sober hours the two did not agree; but once mellowed by intoxication, Wharton became imbued with a carnival spirit and welcomed Jim as freely as he welcomed every one.

'Tis but a rumor, after all, that Wharton is for mischief, and as you say as like as not there'll be no evidence by now. There was little enough at the time. "Still, I'll make doubly sure. My letter to King James can do no harm. We'll talk of it again, when you are in case to travel." It passed through Mr.

The suspicions which Mr. Wharton formerly showed of his wife seemed now to be completely lulled asleep; and he gave Vivian continually such proofs of confidence as stung him to the soul.

Before dealing with the Mysteries, and as perhaps a kind of retrospect, let us have a look what Wharton has to say of the early drama. Charlemagne established many great marts of this sort in France, as did William the Conqueror and his Norman successors in England. The merchants, who frequented these fairs in numerous caravans and companies, employed every art to draw the people together.

'I expect the name attracted you, Miss Wharton, said Eva, with a twinkle in her eye. Stella laughed. 'It is an attractive name to us; but I am not so foolish as that, I hope; and it has fruit-trees in the garden, which do attract me, and I thought would attract you, she replied. 'So they do, and it sounds too good to be true. Forty pounds, and the man would come down to thirty-eight.

Wharton returned his cousin's affection, entertaining something akin to reverence for the man who was the head of his family. He dearly loved Sir Alured, and loved Sir Alured's wife and two daughters. Nevertheless, the second week at Wharton Hall became always tedious to him, and the fourth, fifth, and sixth weeks frightful with ennui.

Wharton leaned over and whispered quietly in my ear: "Ay, where is it?" I stared at Mr. Wharton blankly. He was a man nearing the middle age, with a lacing of red in his cheeks, a pleasant gray eye, and a singularly quiet manner.

It now seemed that he could not go without the £5000; and, when the pressure came upon him, surely he would go and leave his wife. In the course of that day Mr. Wharton went to the offices of the San Juan mine and asked to see the Director.

She entwined her arms about him and forced him into motion. As she danced away she signaled over her shoulder to Lorelei, who made haste to seek the cloak-room. When she emerged John Merkle was waiting in the hall. A shout of laughter echoed from the banquet-hall, and she started. "That's nothing," Merkle told her. "Bob Wharton is in the fountain. He says he's a goldfish."

The father now briefly related to his astonished children the circumstance and manner of their brother's escape. They were yet in the freshness of their surprise, when the door opened, and Captain Wharton, attended by a couple of the guides, and followed by the black, stood before them.