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The Captain answered grimly, "I hid out in the garden once with Billy Rand to keep from meeting her." Flushed with the unparalleled adventures of the day, Bobby Whaley asked his father, "Dad, ain't the old Interpreter one of us? ain't he?" "Sure he is." "Well, then, what for did old Adam Ward's daughter go to see him just like Mag an' me did?"

In the months just passed his love had ripened and become a definite thing, fixed and certain in his own mind and heart as the fact of life itself. He had no more thought of accepting as final Mary's answer than he had of turning the management of the Mill over to Jake Vodell or to Sam Whaley. But still there were things that he must think out.

In that wretched home in the Flats, little Maggie Whaley smiled in her sleep as she dreamed of her princess lady. The armed guards at their stations around McIver's dark and silent factory kept their watch. The Mill, under the cloud of smoke, sang the deep-voiced song of its industry as the night shift carried on. In the room back of the pool hall, Jake Vodell whispered with two of his disciples.

If West wanted to take a walk in the woods, it was not necessary to tell him that a man was waiting for him there behind some tree. "Think I'll follow this fellow," Whaley said, with a lift of the hand toward the tracks that led across the lake. "We've got to find out where he went. If the Mounted are hot on our trail, we want to know it." "Sure."

Grave, fierce men, they were far from being cruel; they had no pleasure in the act which they believed to be their duty. Lorimer went from one to the other and made known his son's request. He pleaded, "That as David had shot Whaley, justice would be fully satisfied in meting out the same death to the murderer as the victim."

She was married at nineteen, and became pregnant a year later on the left side, but abortion was induced at the fourth month on account of persistent nausea and the expectation of impossible delivery. Whaley, in speaking of this case, said Mrs.

It is an auld sin, and there have aye been daughters o' Heth to plague honest houses wi'. But sit down, my lad; I came to talk wi' ye anent some decenter way of life than this." The talk was not altogether a pleasant one; but both yielded something, and it was finally agreed that as soon as Whaley could pick up a man to fill Davie's place Davie should return home.

He took one now and made his first mistake in the long duel he had been playing with West. The eagerness of the fellow to have him gone was apparent. The convict wanted him out of the way so that he could go find the girl. Evidently he thought that Whaley was backing down as gracefully as he could. "I'll start right after him. Back soon," the gambler said casually. "Yes, soon," agreed West.

Morse plunged head down at his enemy, still carrying the log he had used as a battering-ram. It caught the gambler at that point of the stomach known as the solar plexus. Whaley went down and out of consciousness like an ox that has been pole-axed. Tom picked up the revolver and dropped it into the pocket of his fur coat. He stooped to make sure that his foe was beyond the power of doing damage.

So anxious was Berkeley to secure his submission that he promised him, not only his pardon, but part of the wampum his men had taken from the Indians. So he too "declared for the King." When other posts on the James and the York were surrendered or abandoned, Lawrence, Drummond, and Whaley, with a force of several hundred men, were all that were left of the rebel army.