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I had ceased to think of the insecurity of the ground we trod, and scarcely noticed the mighty clouds of hot vapour which frequently surrounded and threatened to suffocate us, obliging us to step suddenly back with wetted faces. It was fortunate that these waters contain but a very small quantity of brimstone, otherwise we could scarcely have long maintained our elevated position.

Kent got down stiffly from his cramped seat on the fireman's box and wetted his parched lips at the nozzle of the tender hose. "Do we make it, Jarl?" he asked. The engineer wagged his head. "Ay tank so. Ve maig it all right iff dey haf bane got dose track clear." "There are other trains to meet?" "Ja; two bane comin' dis vay; ant Nummer Samteen ve pass opp by."

It was another night to be remembered which the army passed at Sururab. Early in the evening the clouds gathered, and a series of violent thunderstorms, accompanied by heavy rain, continued almost without cessation through the weary, lagging hours. Rolled in their blankets, the soldiers, wetted through, lay upon the sodden ground.

"I expected you would require your broth, and I have had it ready for you." "It was what I did require, sir, I must acknowledge," replied my father, and without further remark he finished the broth. I removed the tray, and then went for the lotion, and again wetted the bandages on his leg. "Is there anything else I can do for you, sir?" said I. "Nothing I am very comfortable."

The platform of the raft has been re- paired, the disjointed planks have been closed by means of ropes and wedges, and that portion of the parapet that was washed away has been replaced, so that we are no longer wetted by the waves. In fact, nothing has been left undone to insure the solidity of our raft, and to render it capable of resisting the wear and tear of the wind and waves.

The men whose voices sounded across to her from the race-course had already begun the work. On she must hurry on! But it was not so easy as last night. Her light sandals were wet through, and there was ever a fresh impediment in her way. She knew what it was that had wetted her foot blood noble, human blood and every obstacle against which she stumbled was a human body.

A few days' previous to our leaving the last water, the overseer had attempted to wash out the rifle not knowing it was loaded, and the consequence was, that the powder became wetted and partly washed away, so that we could neither fire it off, nor get out the ball; I was, therefore, temporarily defenceless, and quite at the mercy of the natives, had they at this time come upon me.

The dead men's work that had been expended in climbing that hill, the blistered soles that had trodden it, and the tears that had wetted it, were not his concern; for fate had given him no time for any but practical things. He looked north and south, and mechanically prodded the ground with his walking-stick. A closer glance at his face corroborated the testimony of his clothes.

In order to prove this to you, I have only to empty it. The reason is this, the wire, being once wetted, remains wet; the meshes are so small that the fluid is attracted so strongly from the one side to the other, as to remain in the vessel although it is porous.

The dew wetted her shoes, and chilled her bare shoulders. She went down to the river bank, and stood gazing at a moonstreak on the darkening water. Suddenly she smelled tobacco smoke, and a white figure emerged as if created by the moon. It was young Mont in flannels, standing in his boat. She heard the tiny hiss of his cigarette extinguished in the water.