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I must have dropped asleep, miss, in my chair, and I woke up with a start like, and the kitchen clock was near on one. Thinks I, perhaps Miss Carlotta's been knocking and ringing all this time and me not heard, and I rushes to the front door. But of course you weren't there. The porch was nothing but a pool o' water. I says to myself she's stopping somewhere, I says.

"Yes, sir," said he, "there weren't any of them could beat me in those days. Why, I've got four medals now somewhere around, that I won at county fairs in races. 'Twasn't any of these wire whirligigs, either, that we used to ride. Old bone-shakers, they were; wooden wheels and a solid wrought iron backbone. You had to have the strength to make that run.

"Well, there's something queer about him anyhow," insisted Will. "Say, but you girls were in a pickle, all right." "It was a whole jar full with some olives thrown in," remarked Betty. "Oh, I was so frightened!" "You didn't show it, my dear," spoke Amy. "You were very brave!" "Well, some one had to be. Not that you all weren't!" said Betty quickly.

"It sort of mellowed me towards him, after His father and mother live in Chicago, worked for some meat packers, and his dad is making some money there. When he found that the bullets that had hit him as well as his machine weren't goin' to let him live much longer, he asked if either of us got back to our lines, to write tell his mother. He gave me the name and I put it down in my pocket pad book.

The artist sat pensive for a few moments, wondering at the ways of women, his sympathies unaccountably enlisted in behalf of Mr. Worthington. "Weren't you a little hard on him?" he said. For answer Cynthia got to her feet. "I think we ought to be going home," she said. "Going home!" he ejaculated in amazement.

Aren't we glad we didn't go down to the river it would have been a cold, dismal day and perhaps they weren't biting today, anyway and we should have gotten very wet.

Dance with me, little dove! 'But I must act, though, I mustn't waste time, he cried aloud jumped up and saw Pantaleone facing him with a note in his hand. 'I knocked several times, but you did not answer; I thought you weren't at home, said the old man, as he gave him the note. 'From Signorina Gemma. Sanin took the note, mechanically, as they say, tore it open, and read it.

And then, lo you! we find that they have written to the Queen and the King. There come letters to Palos, and they are harsh ones!" "I never heard harsher from any King and Queen!" said Fernando. "There weren't only the letters, but they'd sent also a great man, Senor Juan de Penelosa, to see that they got obedience. Upshot is we've got to go, ships and men, or else be laid by the heels!

"We weren't born yesterday," added the woman. Madam Black-and-White didn't say anything; but when the other two made their pretty speeches she doubled up in a silent convulsion of mirth, shaking her head from side to side and beating the air with her hands. Rilla, stung by the disagreeable attitude of the Chapleys, regained her self-possession and lost her temper.

But also, like all guides who are worth their salt, he knew an astonishing lot of things that weren't so. He had imagination, or he would never have done for a guide. When he knew which was not often that he did not know a thing, he could put two and two together and make it yield the most extraordinary results. He felt it one of his first duties to be interesting.