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Would I could once more see her and explain my conduct." "Perchance thou mayst see her sooner than thou dost expect," said Mead. "Come to-morrow morning to the house where we lodge, and we will talk further of this matter." "What! is she in Rotterdam?" exclaimed Wenlock, in a voice trembling with agitation. "She accompanied us thus far on our journey; but I know not whether she will go farther.

"It might be fine to get away from where she is, and land home to find a nice property waiting. But I don't care to see a woman have a husband forced on her. It would be nobler of you, Mr. Wenlock, to let the young lady get to England, and look round her for a while, and make her own choice." "I'm too hard up to be noble," said Wenlock drily.

Those on board had been so taken up with their own dangerous condition, that no one thought of looking out for their consort. When, however, the most imminent danger was over, Wenlock cast his eye in the direction in which she had last been seen. In vain he looked out on either side; no sail was visible. Others also now began to make inquiries for the John Sarah. Many had friends on board.

They passed in through the gate, the sentries staring at them curiously, and once inside, in the full heat and smell of the narrow street beyond, Wenlock said: "Look here, Skipper, you're resourceful, and you know these out-of-the-way places. How had we better start to find the girl?"

"I picked up what I could out of what my father calls the `big book of life," answered Wenlock. "He also gave me such instructions as time and opportunity would allow, though there are many more things I should like to learn.

'Master Lorimer, said the Prioress, 'with whom belike Lorimer of Barnet Sir Seneschal has had dealings, and she put forward the merchant, who had been falling back to his waggon. 'Yea, said Walter Wenlock frankly, holding out his hand. 'We have bought your wares and made proof of them, good sir. I am glad to welcome you, though I never saw you to the face before.

The Quaker started, and examined his countenance narrowly. "What!" he exclaimed, "art thou the son of my ancient comrade? Verily I thought that he and thou were long since numbered with the dead. How is it, young man? Has thy father escaped also?" "Alas! no," said Wenlock; and he gave a brief account of his father's death.

Thrown into confusion, the Lancastrians were routed, and confusion was rendered worse confounded by another impetuous act on the part of the fiery young duke. As he and his flying soldiers fell back upon the town of Tewkesbury, and reached the market place, they found Lord Wenlock and his men sitting idle and motionless there, as if there was no work for them to do.

"And she's 'My Lady' now, if she only knew?" "Well, not that. The title doesn't descend in the female line, but Colonel Anderson made a will in her favor after she was born, and the present earl, who's got the estates, would have to shell out if she turned up again." "My owners, in their letter, mentioned that you were a solicitor. Then you are employed by his lordship, sir?" Mr. Wenlock laughed.

Heu! while we, a free Protestant people, were fighting for liberty, you English were beguiled by your own traitorous sovereign, bribed by the King of France, to attack us." The surgeon, Nicholas Van Erk, notwithstanding his remarks, treated Wenlock with the greatest kindness. They however gave him ample material for thought.