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"De trouble wid Wellin'ton wuz," she replied, "dat he did n' know when he wuz well off. He wuz alluz wishin' fer change, er studyin' 'bout somethin' new." "Ez fer me," responded the elder earnestly, "I likes things what has be'n prove' an' tried an' has stood de tes', an' I can't 'magine how anybody could spec' ter fin' a better housekeeper er cook dan you is, Sis' Milly.

When these preparations had been made, those men, who had never seen turtle-turning performed, were instructed in their duties by an experienced hand. The process being simple, the explanation was short and easy. All that you've got for to do is to keep parfitly still till the turtles comes out o' the sea, d'ye see? then, as the Dook o' Wellin'ton said at Waterloo Up boys an' at 'em!

At home he had been "Wellin'ton," "Brer Wellin'ton," or "uncle Wellin'ton;" it was a novel experience to be called "Mister," and he set it down, with secret satisfaction, as one of the first fruits of Northern liberty. "Would you lack ter look 'roun' de town a little?" asked Mr. Johnson at breakfast next morning. "I ain' got no job dis mawnin', an' I kin show you some er de sights."

"The fact is, sir," said Bones, in a moment of inspiration, "I'm an awfully light sleeper in fact, sir, I'm one of those chaps who can get along with a couple of hours' sleep I can sleep anywhere at any time dear old Wellin'ton was similarly gifted in fact, sir, there are one or two points of resemblance between Wellington and I, which you might have noticed, sir."