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Its place in the strategic conduct of the war in Europe has been obscured, and by some people unfortunately underrated. It is important that any misconception on that score be corrected now. What the Allied forces in Italy are doing is a well-considered part in our strategy in Europe, now aimed at only one objective the total defeat of the Germans.

The recollections and associations that stirred within him then made his present misery almost unendurable. It happened that once on his peregrinations he met an old acquaintance, a rich and well-considered man, who gave a sumptuous banquet in honor of Solomon.

A face expressing so much open goodness; a bearing so instinctively affable, could not belong to a bad man." Fairbanks was too clear-sighted not to read and know the hearts with which he was making acquaintance; and his well-considered plans suffered nothing for want of diligence on his part, in being brought to a fulfilment. Nor did he stand or act alone.

"I am glad to hear it, Monsignore; and I will answer for it that a judicious, well-considered reform slowly progressive, of course, as everything is at Rome will produce excellent results in a few years.

"'Tis liked the best of all here;" but, with whatever accuracy this may have expressed the complimentary opinion of friends, or even the well-considered judgment of critics, one can hardly believe that it enjoyed anything like the vogue of the former volumes. Sterne, however, would be the less concerned for this, that his head was at the moment full of his new venture.

The colonel asked a number of cautious and well-considered questions questions which seemed pretty odd and flighty to Tracy but the answers conveyed the information desired, apparently, for the colonel said to himself, with mixed pride and gratification: "It's a good job as far as I've got, with it. He's solid. Solid and going to last, solid as the real thing." "It's wonderful wonderful.

But to accomplish so desirable an object two things are indispensable: First, that the action of the Federal Government be kept within the boundaries prescribed by its founders, and, secondly, that all appropriations for objects admitted to be constitutional, and the expenditure of them also, be subjected to a standard of rigid but well-considered and practical economy.

He dare not even bring his work before his own eyes, but keeps it behind him, as if too much knowledge of what one is doing would spoil the delicacy and modesty of one's work. Almost all graceful and fanciful work is born like a dream, that comes noiselessly, and tarries silently, and goes as a bubble bursts. And yet somewhere work must come in, real, well-considered work.

With the greater part of my Hadley-and-Shelton earnings in my pocket, and with muscles camp-hardened sufficiently to enable me to hold my own as a workingman, I decided to take a chance and become a prospector. We went at it judiciously and with well-considered plans, three of us: the bank teller, Barrett, a young carpenter named Gifford, and myself.

It does not appear, however, that at their departure from Burgundy at the end of November, 1365, this army and its chiefs had in this respect any well-considered resolution, or any well-defined aim in their movements. They made first for Avignon, and Pope Urban V., on hearing of their approach, was somewhat disquieted, and sent to them one of his cardinals to ask them what was their will.