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The following day we got the welcome order of billets. When there the O.C. made an announcement that he would give a prize of 20 francs to the driver of the best pair of mules on inspection day, which was two weeks hence. This was done for the purpose of encouraging the well-being of the animals, a most important factor in our own well-being.

Therefore the condition of the greatest momentary mental pleasure is at the same time the condition of the greatest bodily well-being.

It is curious to observe how jealous the old retainers of a family are, upon all points which touch the honour or the well-being of the house. Fred Massingbird was an alien; Lionel was a Verner; and now, as Lionel entered, they formed into a double line that he might pass between them, their master from henceforth. Mrs. Verner was in the old place, the study.

Carlyle to fill East Lynne with bad men to-morrow, what would that be to me to my safety, to my well-being, to my love and allegiance to my husband? What were you thinking of, madame?" "Thinking of?" She leaned her troubled head upon her hand. Mrs. Carlyle resumed, "Sitting alone in the drawing-room just now, and thinking matters over, it did seem to me very like what people call a fatality.

For example, if the motion by which the nerves are affected by means of objects represented to the eye conduces to well-being, the objects by which it is caused are called beautiful; while those exciting a contrary motion are called deformed.

She even felt as if the old crystal Alpine days had returned, as Biddy undressed her and presently tucked her into bed. Later, still in semi-consciousness, she drank the hot milk that the old woman brought her, and then sank into a deep, deep sleep. She awakened from that sleep with a sense of well-being such as she had never known before, a feeling of complete security and rest.

He who had proven himself competent to lead was, therefore, the leader ipso facto and de jure; and the evidence required was the performance of such exploits, and the display of such courage and sagacity, as were necessary to the defence, well-being, and protection of the community.

Instructed by experience that the love of well-being and comfort is the only motive of human actions, the savage united with his neighbours when union was for their joint convenience, and did his best to blind and outwit his neighbours when their interests were adverse to his own, and he felt himself the weaker. Hence the origin of certain rude ideas of mutual obligation.

The theory is therefore hopelessly inadequate to our needs; it breaks in our hands when we attempt to use it, and, consequently, we refuse our assent to the proposition that because science can occasionally predict results she is therefore entitled to patronise ethics. The truth is, that ethics need no such patronage. Neither the theologian nor the scientist is essential to their well-being.

This burden she in her turn laid upon Robert not unkindly, but as needful for his training towards well-being. Her way with him was shaped after that which she recognized as God's way with her. 'Speir nae questons, but gang an' du as ye're tellt. And it was anything but a bad lesson for the boy. It was one of the best he could have had that of authority.