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I imagine her portrait as representing a tall girl, with long, well-arched eyebrows, and brown eyes " "Greenish-brown." "Green, if you prefer it; a small nose, cherry lips, and a mass of light brown hair." "Golden brown would be more correct." "Have you seen it, then? Is there one?"

LEGS AND FEET Fore-legs very short and strong in bone, slightly bent inwards; seen in profile, moderately straight and never bending forward or knuckling over. Feet large, round, and strong, with thick pads, compact and well-arched toes, nails strong and black. The dog must stand equally on all parts of the foot. Loins short and strong.

I cried, laughing. He was so funny! But he was useful, too; he knew about everybody. Some of the women I shall remember Mrs. Sloane Schuyler, leader of the smallest and most exclusive of Society's many sets a handsome woman with well-arched eyebrows; and Mrs. Fredericks, of the same group; sallow, with great black eyes, talking with tremendous animation; and Mrs. Terry of the newly rich; Mr.

He stood still on the narrow pavement, pondering, and then, in excuse of his flagrant misbehaviour, murmured, "It was meant to be," and went by again. This time he fancied that he detected a somewhat supercilious expression in the dark eyes a faint raising of well-arched eyebrows.

He had a good broad forehead, well-arched eyebrows, and straight, dark-brown hair, parted at the side, which, like his entirely unshaven beard, he wore short until late in life. In his dress and manner he was rather négligé than precise, and he bestowed little thought on his personal appearance or what Mrs. Grundy might say.

His dark eyes were full of expression, and his clear-cut features were the delight of the sculptor and the painter. His firm and yet sensitive mouth and his thick, well-arched brows gave an air of authority and power to his face, while the more subdued expression which was habitual to his brother marked the man whose whole life had been spent in one long exercise of deference and self-effacement.