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"Yes!" answered Frederick, smiling, and pointing to the string which had served to bind the baron's papers. The king's words. Baron von Thugut took this last well-aimed stab of his royal opponent somewhat embarrassed, and hastened to pick up the string, and withdraw.

The rings loosened, relaxed, and Tooloowee's well-aimed blow severed the awful head, which bounced and rolled to Papita's feet. When they carried the limp, lacerated body of Piang to his hut, there was lamenting and weeping in the barrio. Piang, their beloved charm boy was dead. Dead? Could Piang, the invincible, be killed? Papita crouched in the doorway.

In the presence of this imminent danger his coolness never forsook him for an instant. He brought his gun to his shoulder, and aimed at the crocodile. The well-aimed bullet struck the monster, and it made a bound to one side and fell motionless on the ground. Carefinotu rushed towards Tartlet and lifted him up. Tartlet had escaped with a fright! But what a fright!

A well-aimed toss of his cap, and the hydrangea blooms were quivering under the beat of the captive's fluttering wings. Dan sprang forward and with a gentle, cautious hand grasped his prisoner. "Oh, oh, oh!" was all the little lady could cry, clasping her hands rapturously. "Don't don't hurt him, please!" "I won't," was the answer.

With the Olympia still pounding at her, she swung around and started back for the protection of the navy yard. Just after she had turned a well-aimed shell from one of the Olympia's eight-inch guns struck her, fairly wrecking the engine- room and exploding a magazine.

They staggered from their tents, still dazed in sleep, to be mowed down by a crashing of firearms which they had never before heard. The poor creatures fled in frantic terror, to be met only by lance point and gun butt. A young girl fell coiling at Hearne's feet like a wounded snake. A well-aimed lance had pinioned the living form to earth.

But arrows were many and well-aimed, and in a few minutes the great and warlike Mato lay dead at the foot of the tree. The men ran forward and counted their coups on him, just as when an enemy is fallen. Then they looked at one another and placed their hands over their mouths as the young girl descended the tree with a fawn bound upon her back. "So that was the bait!" they cried.

In less than five minutes the warriors who had ventured across, and were now seeking for a shot at the safety-roost along under the bank, were met by a score of well-aimed bullets that drove them to cover, dragging with them the lifeless body of one of their number. "Spread out there, men!" shouted Wayne. "Seize every point you can get on t'other shore.

'Do you expect to frighten us with your noise, or do you think the walls of Freiberg are going to fall down like those of Jericho? A well-aimed cross fire was now poured into the ranks of the besiegers, as, in dense masses, they filled the moat and struggled to mount the breach. A murderous fight then began, in which neither side would yield an inch.

Grasping his powder-horn he attempted to rectify this error which would never have been committed by an experienced warrior, but before he could accomplish half the operation, the well-aimed spear of Cheenbuk went whistling through the air, and entering his chest came out at his back. He fell dead almost without a groan.