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"I don't approve of that," sez Elder Wessel. "The church of the Most High is too sacred to use for such purposes." "A minister said that once to Elder White," sez Arvilly, "and he answered 'em with that warm meller smile of hisen, 'Where are my boys and girls more welcome and safe than at home, and this is their Father's house," sez he.

Not so bad as that, I hope, sir," he responded sympathetically, as he still lingered. "Not half so bad as that, Wilson," remarked a cheery voice just outside the door. My man started, and I jumped to my feet with a shout of welcome. "Forrest! Forrest!" I cried. "Come along in, man." "Well, if I may?" replied Forrest's voice. "If you may!" I answered. "Why what the !"

The sleek proprietor kept a careful eye on them and I knew that a sort of unwritten law would prevent them from trying on anything that would endanger their welcome in a joint none too savoury already.

The gates of the city were thrown open, and the people advanced to meet him with shouts of welcome and applause; and now Napoleon stood no longer at the head of a little body of troops, but at the head of a small army that was increasing with every hour." The government still endeavored, through its officials and through the public press, to make the Parisians disbelieve this intelligence.

In his scheme of things money had not been a matter of sufficient urgency to necessitate an argument with one's wife. She was always welcome to all that he had. And now suddenly, money acquired urgency in his eyes. It was most disturbing. He was not frightened: he was merely disturbed.

"Welcome, my laddie buck!" he exclaimed as I entered. "We're telling stories o' the old year an' you're just in time for the last o' them. Sit down, lad, and God give ye patience! It'll soon be over." Little John led me into the group and the schoolmaster began: Let us call this bit of a story: The Guide to Paradise.

He recognized me, calling me by name; and after we had pledged our acquaintance anew behind the prescription case, I was confidentially informed that I could have his whole house and welcome, even if the State of Kansas did object and he had to go to jail.

On the afternoon when he climbed the hill to the bungalow he found the Langhams as he had left them, with the difference that King now occupied a place in the family circle. Clay was made so welcome, and especially so by King, that he felt rather ashamed of his sentiments toward him, and considered his three days of absence to be well repaid by the heartiness of their greeting.

He was so poor that he did not find himself generally welcome; so he hardly went anywhere, but read books at home, and waited upon his mother. His manners, therefore, were shy, and sufficiently awkward to give an unfavourable impression to those who looked at outsides. Alice would have despised him; but he never came near enough for that.

I was just thinking how I could get safely back to Ascoli, when your welcome escort appeared; for I suppose you are going there, and will let me take advantage of it." "Only too delighted; and you can tell me your adventures. Let us dine together tonight, and I will find you a horse to ride on with us in the morning."