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Of all the 590 UFO reports the Air Force received in 1958, probably the weirdest was solved before it was ever reported.

I had not, if I remember rightly, been into them since my hasty search on the evening of the attack. For, perhaps, the half of a minute, I hesitated. I would have been very willing to forego the task as, indeed, I am inclined to think any man well might for of all the great, awe-inspiring rooms in this house, the cellars are the hugest and weirdest.

Muttering that it was the weirdest go that he had ever struck, he clucked to the weary horses, and after a little more of cobblestones, began the struggle through the sand. Those terrible sand-hills! We labored in them like a snail.

The druid passed the night on the top of the hill, and next morning made a prediction to the king which came true. In Wales Hallowe'en was the weirdest of all the Teir Nos Ysbrydion, or Three Spirit Nights, when the wind, "blowing over the feet of the corpses," bore sighs to the houses of those who were to die within the year.

This was the weirdest sensation imaginable. People had often expressed the wish they, could be in two places at once ... he was in twenty. And each body was connected with the others by a thin thread of consciousness, yet was thinking and acting independently. His composite mind almost grinned.

They watched me for a few days, and all I did was make up and bottle the weirdest messes imaginable.

He contemplated the hushed folk before him; and then from his lips came that weirdest, most haunting of the lyric legends of Erin the Curse of Mora: "The fretted fires of Mora blew o'er him in the night; He thrills no more to loving, nor weeps for past delight. For when those flames have bitten, both grief and joy take flight "

"Oh, no! He has a perfectly good man's name, but I am blessed if I remember it. Everybody calls him Polly. He is a cubist painter, you know; does the weirdest things and now has taken up a kind of cubist effect in sculpture; but you will see his things for yourself. I'd like to give him a good shaking and stand him in the corner.

Suddenly I tramped out of the jungle into a clearing, and lo and behold a ruined House, with blocks of marble lying all about it, and carved pillars and a great roof all being slowly smothered by the jungle. The weirdest thing you ever saw. I climbed some fallen columns to get a better look, and as I did I saw a face flash by at the arch of a broken window.

It was to this tapestry of the past that he added now his vivid mental pictures of present events; the revelations concerning the character of his new friends; of Irina, her treachery and her remorse; and finally, incongruity that made the fantasy perfect, over all, through all, there wound, caressingly, the notes of the little melody that had that afternoon flowed from his fingers on to Sergius' battered piano: the melody which now forms the principal theme of the weirdest of his tone poems; the "Saturnalia of the Red Death," taken from Poe's wild tale.