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I pray you never trust in a woman's keeping the happiness of your life!" Here Andrew slipped his arm through Wehle's, and began to promenade with him in the large apartment up and down an alley, dimly lighted by a candle, between solid phalanxes of books. "I pray you give good heed," he said, resuming. "I was always eccentric. People thought I was either a genius or fool.

"I've been expecting you for a long time. I'll go back with you. But August must go along. He'll be glad of an excuse to see your face again. You look thin, my poor girl." They went past Wehle's, and August was only too glad to join them, rejoicing that some sort of a crisis had come, though how it was to help him he did not know.

But I have often noticed that people of a rather quiet temperament, such as young Wehle's, show vis inertiae in both, ways not very easily moved, they are not easily checked when once in motion.

The blow sobered them a little, and suddenly destroyed Bill's ambition to commit "arsony," or do anything else ludikerous. But Norman was furious, and under his lead Wehle's arms were now bound with the rope and a consultation was held, during which little Wilhelmina pleaded for her father effectively, and more by her tears and cries and the wringing of her chubby hands than by any words.