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She thought of the day she had come out of a grave and resumed living. It had seemed as if she must learn to walk again, to breathe, to discover anew the meanings of words. At first listless, uncertain. Then new steps, new meanings. Her mind moved back through the year. She had wept only once on the night of the divorce. But that was as one weeps at an old grave, even a stranger's grave.

Thus in The Cyprioe of Dicaeogenes, the sight of the picture makes the man burst into tears; and in the Tale of Alcinous, hearing the harper Ulysses is reminded of the past and weeps; the Discovery of them being the result.

And at once I add in a sinking voice: "I shall soon be gone, Katya...." "Only one word, only one word!" she weeps, stretching out her hands to me. "What am I to do?" "You are a queer girl, really..." I mutter. "I don't understand it! So sensible, and all at once crying your eyes out...." A silence follows.

I hope she believes in God, and knows how to lean upon Him. Now her husband has gone, and she sits down and covers her face with her hands, and weeps. They are bitter tears she thinks of the time he took her proudly away from a happy home, and promised she should be dear to him as his own life blood.

Sunk by the banks, awhile he weeps, Then raised his arms to Jove, and cried, "Stay thou, oh stay the maddening tide; Midway behold the swift sun sweeps, And, ere he sinks adown the deeps, If I should fail, his beams will see My friend's last anguish slain for me!"

While the condition of the king is the cause of general and vociferous lamentation, a special feature, never satisfactorily accounted for, is the presence of a weeping woman, or several weeping women. Thus in the interpolated visit of Gawain to the Grail castle, found in the C group of Perceval MSS., the Grail-bearer weeps piteously, as she does also in Diu Crone.

"Courage, Blondine! in one hour you will have the Rose and will see your father, who weeps for you." At these words, Blondine recovered her resolution which had begun to falter. She walked on in the path indicated by the Parrot, who flew before her from branch to branch. The forest, which had seemed so beautiful and attractive near the park of Bonne-Biche, became wilder and more entangled.

Sterne, Fielding, and Smollett constantly speak about them; and, in their travels, the last two tot up the bill, and describe the dinner quite honestly; whilst Mr. Sterne becomes sentimental over a cab, and weeps generous tears over a donkey. How I admire and wonder at the information in Murray's Handbooks wonder how it is got, and admire the travellers who get it. Hotels, &c.

A mother weeps a day for a dead child or her husband, but death is said not to bring tears from any man. Death causes no long or loud lamentation, no tearing of the hair or cutting the body; it effects no somber colors to deaden the emotions; no earth or ashes for the body all widespread mourning customs among primitive peoples.

The wind favoured their course, and in a few hours the ships cast anchor on the shore of Westland. Horn left his forces in a wood while he went on to learn what was doing. Well did he know the way, and lightly did he leap over the stones. As he went he met a pilgrim, and asked him the latest news, who answered, "I come from a wedding feast but the bride's true love is far away, and she only weeps.