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All day long the two husbands mowed grass, clipped hedges, and swept up gravel paths; all day long the wives scrubbed and dusted their immaculate little houses, keeping a weather-eye on the door to see who passed to and fro. Their duty it was to pounce out on any stranger who dared attempt to force an entrance through the hallowed portals, and send them back discomfited.

You can if you like, you know, Uncle Mel, and it's a shame to make him lose his time when he's young and does his work so well that you can't deny! Now, please, be positive, Uncle Mel. You know I hate I have no faith in your 'nous verrons'. Say you will, and at once. The diplomatist pretended to have his weather-eye awakened.

The habit of taking notice and remembering has often been the means of saving many lives in suddenly-met situations of emergency, at sea perhaps more than anywhere else, and nothing can be more useful to a sailor than the practice of keeping his weather-eye open.

You can if you like, you know, Uncle Mel, and it's a shame to make him lose his time when he's young and does his work so well that you can't deny! Now, please, be positive, Uncle Mel. You know I hate I have no faith in your 'nous verrons'. Say you will, and at once. The diplomatist pretended to have his weather-eye awakened.

This district had a bad reputation, owing to several robberies having been committed in the neighbourhood; in fact the whole country was just then under martial law. I was well armed, and being alone I kept my weather-eye open; but I saw not even the ghost of a brigand, and reached St Miklos in safety.

At this point another roar from the volcano, and a shout from the leader of the excursionists to return on board, broke up the conference. "Well, lad, I'm glad I've seen you. Don't forget to write your whereabouts. They say there's a lot o' wild places as well as wild men and beasts among them islands, so keep your weather-eye open an' your powder dry. Good-bye, Nigel.

Peterday now rose, and set a jug together with three glasses upon the table, also spoons, and a lemon, keeping his "weather-eye" meanwhile, upon the kettle, which last, condescending to boil obligingly, he rapped three times with his wooden leg.

Sure he towld me in a confidintial way, just before he wint to turn in last night if it wasn't yisturday forenoon, for it's meself as niver knows an hour o' the day since the sun became dissipated, and tuck to sitting up all night in this fashion." "Shut up yer tatie-trap and open yer weather-eye," muttered Buzzby, who had charge of the gang; "there'll be time enough to speak after we're off."

It was not the first time that the Captain had, so to speak, kept his weather-eye open in regard to the affection which he had made up his mind must now have been awakened in the breasts of George Lawrence and Emma Gray; but hitherto his hopes, although sanguine, had not received encouragement.

My maxim is and it has served me through life, uncommon 'Keep your weather-eye open and your tongue housed 'xcept when you've got occasion to use it. If that fellow'd use his eyes more and his tongue less, he'd see your father comin' down the road there, right before the wind, with his old sister in tow." "How I wish he would have let me go with him!" muttered Fred to himself sorrowfully.