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"The best thing to do is not to think it," said Erma. She laughed long and loud and merrily. "That is quite an idea. After this, I shall not think things. Perhaps my brain will never wear out. Doesn't the physiology say that every thought wears away some of the gray cellular tissue? Thank goodness, no one can blame me for destroying mine. I am sure I never thought any of mine away."

I thought I didn't when I heard her talk. Sometimes I hated her. But I understand her somehow. And she's clean. Really she is. It's the kind of clothes she wears." Lydia, to her own surprise at this tragic moment, giggled a little here. Madame Beattie, when in full fig, as she had first seen her, looked to her like pictures of ancient hearses with plumes. "She's all right," said Lydia.

In any case nothing will give me so much delight as to serve with the regiment he formerly commanded, and under so kind a friend as yourself." "That is settled then," Colonel Hume said; "and now about outfit. A gentleman volunteer wears the uniform of the officers of the regiment, and indeed is one in all respects except that he draws no pay. My purse will be at your disposal.

As to Munchow, the JEUNE MORVEUX of an Adjutant, he, though his manners are well enough, and he wears military plumes in his hat, is still an unfledged young creature, "bill still yellow," so to speak; and marks himself chiefly by a visible hankering after that troublesome creature Marwitz, who is always coquetting.

The more you have the better in Aldbrickham, which is a finer town than all your Christminsters. Every lady of position wears false hair the barber's assistant told me so."

Clerron, when Ivy, after a couple of revolutions, resumed her seat. "You seem to be the same. I think it must be the frock." "I don't wear a frock. I don't think it would improve my style of beauty, if I did. Papa wears one sometimes." "And what kind of a frock, pray, does 'papa' wear?" "Oh, a horrid blue thing. Comes about down to his knees. Made of some kind of woollen stuff. Horrid!"

He wears no shoes, and his short black hair is oiled and brushed very carefully. "Now, it's many times I've been wonderin' what the advantage is in wearin' your shirt outside your trousers," said Sergeant Greer to a sentry. "That's what I call practical," and he pointed to an ice-cream vender, industriously wiping a spoon on the tail of his shirt, before offering it to a new customer.

It is more like Portland cement than anything else, and it is most penetrative and hard to get rid of; it gets in the hair, down the neck, into the shoes and it sticks. If the soldier wears hip-boots in the trenches he must take them off every little while and empty the mud out of them which somehow manages to get into even hip-boots.

While those who could get nowhere else sat down on the sand, and cuddled her feet for no one, you know, wears shoes in the water, except horrid old bathing-women, who are afraid of the water babies pinching their horny toes. And Tom stood staring at them; for he could not understand what it was all about. "And who are you, you little darling?" she said.

"Boots?" said Barnabas. "Ah," nodded the cobbler, "a man wears his character into 'is boots a sight quicker than 'e does into 'is face, and I can read boots and shoes easier than I can print, and that's saying summat, for I'm a great reader, I am.