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He had twice passed our table, with a hesitating look; but Rothenstein, in the thick of a disquisition on Puvis de Chavannes, had not seen him. He was a stooping, shambling person, rather tall, very pale, with longish and brownish hair. He had a thin vague beard or rather, he had a chin on which a large number of hairs weakly curled and clustered to cover its retreat.

E. Dinkelspiel had her head injured, Louis Glass had a bandage over his cut face, and scarcely anyone escaped without black and blue marks. To see one of our capitalists being led weakly by a strong attendant, while grasping his mal de mer tin firmly, was a sight unnoticed, in the tumult of rushing waves.

Spike gasped and sat down weakly upon the running-board of a car, and the Old Un stole a furtive peep at him. "So you know ?" "Sure I know more 'n I want t' know about you, so chase yourself out o' here beat it!" Spike stared in mute amazement, then flushed painfully. "You mean you an' me ain't goin' t' be pals no longer?" he asked wistfully.

That settled it, and I made up my mind that when the Harvest Lady left us to-night to sink behind Old Harpeth, she wasn't going to leave me weakly lonesome. She doesn't set until two o'clock, and I'm going to take all the time I need.

The majority of them were Little Russians from the neighbouring districts, but there were many from a distance, too, who had come on foot from the provinces of Kursk and Orel; in the long string of varied colours there were Greek settlers, too, from Mariupol, strongly built, sedate and friendly people, utterly unlike their weakly and degenerate compatriots who fill our southern seaside towns.

Madame Lorrain the younger, Pierrette's mother, died in 1819. The child of old Auffray and his young wife was small, delicate, and weakly; the damp climate of the Marais did not agree with her. But her husband's family persuaded her, in order to keep her with them, that in no other quarter of the world could she find a more healthy region.

I was absurdly devoted to him; I suppose because we were so different in some things. I was a rather awkward, weakly lad, with huge feet, and horribly freckled. Freckles run in Scotch families just as gout does in English families.

After a while the newcomer brought her frightened eyes back to the set face in the doorway. "I am so sorry for you," she said, timidly. "I am his wife." A shiver of resentment ran convulsively through Charlotte's muscles. "You can be sorry for yourself," she said, roughly. "But he married me while he was at the school of pharmacy," the other cried, weakly. "I was Nettie Trent.

I did not falter; and when the midnight stroke rang through the house that night, it separated by its peal, a sin-beclouded but human past from a future arid with solitude and bereft of the one possession to retain which my sin had been hidden. I was a father without a son as lonely and as desolate as though the separation between us were that of the grave I had merited and so weakly shunned.

The land agent let him have it right between the eyes. "At Gideon Holt's. I'm staying with him on his claim." Wally had struck a match to light a cigarette, but this simple statement petrified him. His jaw dropped and his eyes bulged. Not till the flame burned his fingers did he come to life. "Did you say you were staying with Gid Holt?" he floundered weakly.