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We're hexpensive, and we're haccurate; neither of which is much in your line, Mr. S., if I understand about it rightly." "Mr. Bozzle, if you've got anything to tell, tell it," said Trevelyan angrily. "A third party is so objectionable," pleaded Bozzle. "Never mind. That is my affair." "It is your affair, Mr. Trewillian. There's not a doubt of that. The lady is your wife."

We've been willing to talk the whole thing over all along and we're willing yet or to arbitrate it either. We're right and lots of these fellows know it who abuse us. And if our chaps do talk a bit rough and get excited and even if they do occasionally carry on a bit, it's not a circumstance to the way the other side talk and get excited and carry on.

I I'd like it," returned Carley, made to feel friendly and at home in spite of herself. "You see it's not as if you were just a stranger," went on Mrs. Hutter. "Tom that's Flo's father took a likin' to Glenn Kilbourne when he first came to Oak Creek over a year ago. I wonder if you all know how sick that soldier boy was.... Well, he lay on his back for two solid weeks in the room we're givin' you.

When we are happy it'll be so much to the good. And when we aren't ..." She gave a contented little laugh and cuddled closer down against him. "You talk like Solomon in all his solemnity," she said. "But you can't imagine that we're going to be unhappy. Really." His answer was that perhaps he couldn't imagine it, but that he knew it, just the same.

It takes a long time that; but then, of course, he's only got to sit up on the bus, and he doesn't pull it, and every second day he is off for two journeys. Once in ten days we get a day off, a holiday, while the odd horse, number eleven, he takes the bus in the place of one of us. We have a doctor, too, to ourselves, and when we're ill we get medicine just as you do.

"I ought to say," she explained, quite excited, "that I mentioned fifty thousand dollars only because that was the sum I happened to have, in a lump. But we're going to make it good, no matter what it costs. I have a little more money of my own," said she, "about eight thousand dollars, and of course I'll put that in, too. And I know my father will feel the same way."

"I've just been looking out of the window. We're not on a trestle." "No? Well, what of it?" "Only that the guard was lying. What did he do it for?" "I don't know. Because he was a Mexican, I guess. Go on to sleep." "That isn't the answer, although it's pretty good. They have some scheme. I wouldn't be surprised if they were going to keep us prisoners somewhere around here." "Nonsense.

I'll hold his head; but remember I'm covering you with a dead bead all the time." "No need of that. I'm civil enough now." "Well, you know we're sort of strangers, and it's no more than prudent for me to be on the safe side till we part company. That's right, strap his feet underneath. Now lead the pony in such directions as I say.

Denis would never even begin to try; he wouldn't see any object. I don't believe it can be done. Except perhaps by very great people. And we're not that. People like you and me and Denis belong where we're born and brought up. Even for the ones who try, to change, it's hard. And most of us don't try at all, or care ... Denis hardly cares, really.

"Yes sir, we rode to Bridgeboro, New Jersey, got a prize cup for my kindergarten class to try for, looked in at a show, saw a guy with a lot of pistols, got home at about, oh I don't know rowed over to the island where we're camping, and these two kids rowed back to get the cup out of the car, and found the car gone and sent a signal that nobody saw and we came along in this fellow's Packard.