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"We'll make our way somehow or other through the forest;" and the boat was run with her bow against the yielding bank. "You'll follow me!" As he said this he sprang on shore, or rather on to the trunk of a tree. "All right come along," he exclaimed; "do as I do." The next instant, however, over he went on his nose, and disappeared.

"Now, me dearie," said Mrs Gilmour, replacing her needle and thimble, with the reel of thread, in her little "housewife," and putting that carefully back into her pocket, "sure, we'll have a jollification on our own account as our gentlemen have left us. We'll show them that we can do without them, sure, when we like."

No, Longstreth, we've got to settle things to-night." "Well, we can settle what Ray's concerned in, right now," replied Longstreth, rising. "Come on; we'll ask her. See where you stand." They went out, leaving the door open. Duane dropped down to rest himself and to wait. He would have liked to hear Miss Longstreth's answer. But he could guess what it would be.

We'll give one tonight to those we used to be fellow paupers with no longer ago than yesterday, and tomorrow we will go. We began this year in the poorhouse; we will end it in our own home. That is one of the bad beginnings that made a good ending, boy. There is more than one of them. Mind that." The morrow came, and the little home was started.

"Yes, and the minute we stick our heads out of the door we'll get a bullet through us. I don't see that we stand a chance." "But we can't stay here," protested Hugh. "If we do they'll certainly fix us one way or another." "If I don't come home to lunch father will get worried and bring help to us; he knows where we are." "These people won't wait that long.

We'll mock the false alarms, And trample on the neck of pain, And laugh the dead alive again, For Life is Father to us all, And thanks are overdue!

"We don't need any extra range now," Billie said. "Why pay grazing fees before we need the room." "Just to get our wedge in first," Harris explained. "We can get grazing permits on the Forest now right in the best grass valleys. Each year we'll throw some cows up there to hold our rights. There'll always be good grass on the Forest Reserves for they won't permit overstocking.

I suppose we'll not see each other very often after you leave here. I'll be leaving your aunt's in a few days. My my people are coming home." "Oh! You'll be glad of that." "Yes." And again, "Yes."

When Patricia came back with the steaming pitcher, she had finished her investigations. "It's grippe, all right," she said, contentedly. "I know the symptoms without being told a word. I've had it every year since it became the fashion, drat it! We'll have to get the doctor, of course, but I think she can be made more comfortable in the meanwhile."

But sure the Little Lad will be that glad to see me offer to take a pick in my hand that I believe he'd be willing to let me dig up his own grandfather's grave." "We'll find some way when the time comes, never fear," said Sergeant Clancy, and the men willingly agreed to leave the matter in his capable hands.