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Socks, socks, where the hell do you keep your socks?..." It seemed to Henry that he could see Cecily's face shining out of the darkness. He could feel her arms about him and hear her beautiful voice telling him that she loved him. "I won't go," he said to himself. "I won't go!..." "If you'd only help to pack, we'd save heaps of money," Gilbert grumbled.

She was slow in corrallin' our idea on account of her bein' no English scholar. But when she did, after three of us takin' their turn at puttin' the proposition to her, she would not accept any of our dust. And though she started to thank us the handsomest she knowed how, it seemed to grieve her, for she cried. So we thought we'd better get out.

Startled, I looked at the deck-house. I was aware at the same time that the men below me were looking in the same direction. The sound of slapping was repeated; then I heard a mild, gentle voice saying, "Oh, he's sick, is he? Poor fellow! Ain't it hard to be sick away from home?" Slap slap. "Well, I declare, what do you suppose we'd better do about it? Shan't we send for the doctor? Poor fellow!"

By the time he was to start back, he was in wonderful condition, and even the horse looked saucy and shiny, owing to our rubbing him down each day with dried grasses. The actual leave-taking was rather sad. We'd grown to think a lot of the boy and I believe he liked us.

Why, when I said in my speech you'll remember the place, my dear that if it came to a choice between slavery and the Union, we'd ship the negroes back to Africa, and hold on to the flag, I was applauded to the echo, and it would have done you good to hear the cheers." "I knew it would be so, Mr. Ambler," returned his wife, with conviction.

"Then I'm for getting ready to leave to-night, as soon as it's dark. I suppose it's just chance, but enemies are converging on us. It's a fine valley, one that I could stay in a long time, but we'd better leave it." "As the two who make up the council are agreed that settles it. When the full dark comes we'll go."

"After all that row," suggested Lil Artha, "it might be they thought we'd give a quick chase, and they couldn't afford to take any more chances. So as a boat'd come in handy for them they gobbled it." "Anybody'd pick the best in the bunch, come to that," added wise Toby.

"An unpleasantness that would have hampered me rather badly." "That's the understatement of the year! Well, if you agree it won't be too useful, maybe we'd better drop it and get on with the darlas and shield training. I can always go into medicine later, when we aren't pushed for time." "I must agree. Healing will probably be most valuable, but it is hardly something useful in combat.

"Then how did you come to think of it?" he asked carelessly. "Because I knew that bear hadn't gone far for that sugar; because I knew he hadn't stole it from a cache it was too fresh, and we'd have seen the torn-up earth; because we had passed no camp; and because I knew there was no shanty here.

"Speakin' of catfish, Jim thinks he's hoein' some potatoes." said Field to a group of his friends. "If one of us real live spirits of Borealis had bin in his place, it's ten to one we'd 'a' found a pair of twins." All the remainder of the day, and even after dinner, and up to eight o'clock in the evening, the new arrivals, or the old ones over again, made the cabin on the hill their Mecca.