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"This watchman, an honest fellow with literary tastes above his calling, was engaged towards midnight in reading M. de la Fontaine's 'Elegie aux Nymphes de Vaux, when a sudden violent jangling fetched him to his feet, with every hair of his head erect and separate.

The last mentioned watchman took upon himself the reply to this interrogatory by a very summary proceeding: he collared Dartmore, and his companions did the same kind office to us.

Of the first of these Userti warned me by a messenger, but the second and worse Ki discovered in some strange way, so that the murderer was trapped at the gate and killed by the watchman, whereon Seti said that after all he had been wise to give hospitality to Ki, that is, if to continue to live were wisdom.

As we waited for the watchman to turn on the lights I exclaimed, "He failed this time because the electricity was shut off." Precisely, Walter," assented Kennedy. "But the flames which the night watchman saw, what of them?" put in McCormick, considerably mystified. "He must have seen something." Just then the lights winked up.

A contented watchman, dozing by a comfortable fire, cared little who came or went and rarely bestirred himself to ask the question. There were two entrances to the caves: one cramped and difficult, the other broad and open; and you took your choice of them according to the position of the policeman on the beat.

Like enough he was a watchman, or somethin'. What did he call you?" "Lewis." "Lewis is the engineer. If he saw you climb over the rail, and if he thought you was Lewis, then it's a safe guess that Lewis is one of the men who's ashore." "That's right." "If Lewis has shore leave, then I'll bet Hogan is on board." "I think so Hogan and Wynn." "They're the two who are in the cabin, hey?

A man would say that there were eight legs under each horse, so rapid and indistinguishable is the motion of their limbs and hoofs. Identify those horses, O Conall, and that chariot, for to me they are unknown." "And to me likewise," said Conall. "Who are in the chariot? Moderate, O man, the extravagance of thy language, for thou art not a prophet but a watchman."

Bolt went and told Henry, and it only worried him; he could do nothing. Bolt went and hired a watchman and a dog, at his own expense. The dog was shot dead one dark night, and the watchman's box turned over and sat upon, watchman included, while the confederates trampled fifty thousand raw bricks into a shapeless mass.

For the life of me, I cannot find the 'even so' in this sentence. The watchman cries, 'half-past three o'clock. Even so, and after the same manner, the great Cham of Tartary has a carbuncle on his nose. Chap. LX. p. 483. George in the Greek tongue, is called a 'builder', that buildeth countries and people with justice and righteousness, &c.

"Robbie Belle, Robbie Belle, you lazybones! The night watchman has knocked twice already. Get up, get up this instant! We're going to hear Grand Opera to-day! O-o-ooh!" Robbie Belle lifted her head to listen. "Berta Abbott, you've got a chill. I hear you shivering. Hurry into your clothes this minute. I'll bring you the quinine." Quinine! Berta shivering from excitement laughed softly to herself.