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"Bring me the creature's heart; it is just what I want for supper." "But there is no heart," answered the hare, looking up at the lion with a puzzled face. "What nonsense!" said the lion. "As if every beast had not got a heart. What do you mean?" "This is a washerman's donkey," replied the hare gravely. "Well, and suppose it is?" "Oh, fie!" exclaimed the hare.

Spotted forktails are often seen near the places where the dhobis wash clothes by banging them violently against rocks, hence the name dhobi-birds, by which they are called by many Europeans. The little forktail does not haunt the washerman's ghat for the sake of human companionship, for it is a bird that usually avoids man.

'My dear friend, answered the monkey, with a chuckle, 'I think you must be going a little mad. Do you take me for a washerman's donkey? 'Don't talk nonsense, exclaimed the shark, who did not like being laughed at. 'What do you mean about a washerman's donkey? And I wish you would be quick, or we may be too late to save the sultan.

Then the Blind Man and the Deaf Man rolled the washerman's great big kettle with a thundering noise past the chink in the door, and the Rakshas, who was watching attentively, was very much surprised when he saw this great black thing rolling along the floor, and he thought: "In truth, my father Bakshas has a very big body as well as a big head. He's big enough to eat me up altogether.

'So you think I am a washerman's donkey? said the monkey to the shark, when the story was ended. 'You are wrong; I am not. And as the sun is getting low in the sky, it is time for you to begin your homeward journey. You will have a nice cool voyage, and I hope you will find the sultan better. Farewell! And the monkey disappeared among the green branches, and was gone.

'So you think I am a washerman's donkey? said the monkey to the shark, when the story was ended. 'You are wrong; I am not. And as the sun is getting low in the sky, it is time for you to begin your homeward journey. You will have a nice cool voyage, and I hope you will find the sultan better. Farewell! And the monkey disappeared among the green branches, and was gone.

At the far end of a passage, into which the sullage water drips, forming ill-smelling pools, a greasy curtain is suddenly lifted for a minute, disclosing several flickering lights girt about with what in the distance appear to be amorphous blocks of wood or washerman's bundles.

'My dear friend, answered the monkey, with a chuckle, 'I think you must be going a little mad. Do you take me for a washerman's donkey? 'Don't talk nonsense, exclaimed the shark, who did not like being laughed at. 'What do you mean about a washerman's donkey? And I wish you would be quick, or we may be too late to save the sultan.

'Did you really never hear of the washerman's donkey? asked the monkey, who was enjoying himself immensely. 'Why, he is the beast who has no heart. And as I am not feeling very well, and am afraid to start while the sun is so high lest I should get a sunstroke, if you like, I will come a little nearer and tell you his story.

When I was tired of pacing the lanes of the city, I wandered into the woods, and when I became restless there, I returned to the lanes of the city like a lunatic. I thought not of nourishment during the day, or sleep at night; like a washerman's dog, that belongs neither to the house nor the ghat The existence of man depends on eating and drinking; he is the worm of the grain.