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Ellen's, where the master of the late Pope's Head Taverne is now set up again, and there dined at Sir W. Warren's cost, a very good dinner. Here my Lord Bruncker proffered to carry me and my wife into a play at Court to-night, and to lend me his coach home, which tempted me much; but I shall not do it. But it was pretty, that, being a Protestant, a man stood by and was my Proxy to answer for me.

At the office till 9 o'clock about Sir W. Warren's contract for masts, and then at home with Lanyon and Yeabsly till 12 and past about their contract for Tangier, wherein they and I differed, for I would have it drawn to the King's advantage, as much as might be, which they did not like, but parted good friends; however, when they were gone, I wished that I had forborne any disagreement till I had had their promise to me in writing.

The housekeeper also thought it odd that a well-dressed young gentleman should steal in and up, day after day, after office hours to work apparently alone in Fraser and Warren's partners' room. Fraser and Warren over the hand of its junior partner, Mrs. Claridge, accepted the notice. Their business had quite overgrown these inconveniently situated offices and a move to the West End was projected.

Keep this to yourself, and don't interpose any obstacles to my going next Monday. Don't worry about me. I'll keep up; and a man who will have to work as I must won't have time to mope. I won't play the weak fool, for I'd rather have your respect and Mrs. Yocomb's than all Mr. Hearn's millions; and Miss Warren's respect is absolutely essential to me."

I determined to let other persons know what a convenience I had found the "Star Razor" of Messrs. Kampf, of New York, without fear of reproach for so doing. I know my danger, does not Lord Byron say, "I have even been accused of writing puffs for Warren's blacking"? I was once offered pay for a poem in praise of a certain stove polish, but I declined.

The place got such a bad name nobody'd buy or rent it. That's why it's all gone to ruin. That was thirty years ago, but Henry Warren's ghost ha'nts it yet." "Do you believe that?" asked Nan scornfully. "I don't." "Well, GOOD people have seen him and heard him." retorted Mary.

"Did you know Captain Lloyd?" read the judge advocate, pasting Warren's last question in his book. "I first met Captain Lloyd on New York Avenue one morning in January, but I saw him again that same night." The surgeon paused. "Give a full account of that last occasion," directed Warren. "I was attending a supper party at Senator Warren's," began Boyd.

Lawrence returns to the waiting room as the accommodation rolls in, she picks up Warren's suit-case which had been left there, steps to the curb and summons the cab, in which Warren is hiding all the time. Sounds all right so far?" "Perfectly," said Leverage. "Go ahead." "Walters gets the signal and drives up. Mrs. Lawrence gets in. He drives away. And then "

But a porcupine on the bank and a bear in the water aroused Skookum to a pitch of frightful enthusiasm and vaulting ambition that he was forced to restrain. On the evening of the third day they landed at Warren's and found a hearty welcome from the trader, who left a group of loafers and came forward: "Good day to ye, boy. My, how ye have growed." So he had.

Do you think she'll go?" "It's mighty hot all around there," said I doubtfully. "Yes, but the flames are going straight up; and, as you say, it will begin to die down pretty soon," put in Johnny. "The walls are smoking a little," commented a bystander judicially. "She's a fine old bonfire, anyway," said Talbot. Fifteen or twenty men were trying to help Warren's place resist the heat.